Meeting Minutes 2 - SQA-PROJECT-1/Konta-Niben GitHub Wiki

Date/Location: 30-11-2023 at 09:00 PM in Zoom.

Attendees: Fiha (FH), Monira (MN), Sakib (SK), Tazim (TZ), Palash(PL)

Start Time: 09:05 PM

End Time: 09:45 PM


In today’s meeting we decided that we will follow JSDoc as documentation tools for our project and for coding we will follow Coding standard for NodeJs and ReactJs .we discuss about SRS distribution and User story for our project.


  1. FH will create SRS list in Trello
  2. SK&PL will write SRS introduction
  3. FH,MN&TZ will write non functional requirements and description
  4. FH,MN,TZ,PL&SK will write at least 2 user story regarding our project Scrum Meeting (To Do)
  5. PL will be scrum master for next meeting
  6. FH will write meeting minutes.
Action Allocated team members Deadline
SRS Introduction SK & PL 07/12/2023
Nonfunctional requirement & Description MN, FH, & TZ 07/12/2023
General meeting 3 agenda PL 07/12/2023
User Story FH, MN, TZ, PL & SK 07/12/2023