Meeting Minutes 1 - SQA-PROJECT-1/Konta-Niben GitHub Wiki

Date/Location: 27-11-2023 at 11:00 AM in Zoom.

Attendees: Fiha (FH), Monira (MN), Sakib (SK), Tazim (TZ), Palash(PL)

Start Time: 11:00 AM

End Time: 11:48 AM


In today’s meeting we have initially decided to make an E-commerce project. In our project we have decided to build an online cosmetic and accessories site. We have divided 5 members into two teams to work on documentation tool and coding standers. Monira, Palash & Sakib will explore on different documentation tool and decide which one will be appropriate for the project. Fiha & Tazim will investigate on which coding standards should be appropriate for the project.

  • Project- E-commerce site for cosmetic and accessories
  • Programming Language- JavaScript (JS)
  • Framework- Express.js
  • Frontend Library- React
  • CSS – Tailwind CSS
  • Database – MongoDB
  • Runtime Environment – Node.js


  1. All members have created account on Github, Trello & Discord.
  2. A discord work space has been created named CSE-455 Project.
  3. A Trello board has been crated named CSE-455 SWE Project.
  4. Doc Tool & Coding Std (To Do) Research on Doc Tool will is assigned to Palash, Sakib & Monira and due date is 30th November 2023. Research on Coding Standard is assigned to Tazim & Fiha and due date is 30th November 2023.
  5. Scrum Meeting (To Do) Tazim is assigned to prepare scrum meeting 2 agenda.
