Meeting Minutes 01 (Sprint 02) - SQA-PROJECT-1/Konta-Niben GitHub Wiki

Meeting Minutes of Sprint 02 Planning Meeting

Date/Location: 18-February-2024 at 9:00 PM in Google Meet.

Attendees: Fiha (FH), Monira (MN), Sakib (SK), Tazim (TZ), Palash (PL)

Meeting Chair: Serajum Monira (SM)

Note Taker: Nurun Nahar Fiha (FH)

Start Time: 9:00 PM

End Time: 9:40 PM


• In today’s Planning meeting for Sprint 02, we have selected 5 features to implement this week from 18 February 2024 to 22 February 2024 for sprint 02. The selected features are CRUD Operation for User with Authentication, Product Description, Product Recommendation, Order & Payment, and Rating – Review. Everyone will implement Front End, Back End and then finally perform TDD and Continuous Integration Testing for their respective features.

• SM and SK will complete their frontend part of their features of Sprint 01.

• In Trello 3 new Lists named Sprint-2: Implementing 5 features with documentation, Study on TDD & Continuous Integration and Sprint-2: TDD and Continuous Integration Testing has been created where each member is assigned with their respective works.


Action Allocated team members Deadline
User CRUD Operation Implementation with Documentation TZ 20/02/2024
Order & Payment Implementation with Documentation PL 20/02/2024
Product Recommendation Implementation with Documentation FH 20/02/2024
Product Description Implementation with Documentation MN 20/02/2024
Rating & Review Implementation with Documentation SK 20/02/2024