Meeting Agenda 03 - SQA-PROJECT-1/Konta-Niben GitHub Wiki

Meeting Agenda 03

Date/Location: 18-January-2024 at 10:00 PM in Discord.

Meeting Chair: Nurun Nahar Fiha (FH)

Note Taker: Md. Parvej Hoque Palash (PL)

Information Updates/Reminders

  • The next 6-8 weeks, we are going to work on an E-commerce project named “Kontaniben?”

  • Everyone should be able to use and be active in Git, Github wiki, Trello, and Discord.

Decisions Needed

  • Decision about the Architectural pattern that the team will use in the project

  • Decision about the Design Principle that the team will use in the project.

  • Decision about the modification of the user story that our teacher advised us.

General Items

  • Allocate two/three team members to update the specific user stories such as search products.
