Atlas SoC Quick Start - SOLARMA/try-atlas-soc GitHub Wiki
- Connect the micro USB cable to the Atlas-Soc board
- Connect the other end of the USB cable to the PC
- Ensure the SD Card is plugged into the board
- Plug in the DC power cable
- Look for a mass storage device to appear on the PC
- Open the drive and click on START.htm
- Follow the instructions on the PC
Welcome to the Atlas-SoC development kit.
If you are using a Windows PC you will need to install some drivers first. On the SD Card, look for the “Drivers” folder and install the appropriate drivers:
- ATLAS_D64 (for 64-bit OS)
- ATLAS_DRV (for 32-bit OS)
The board is running a web server and provides a web site through which you will interact with the board. We strongly recommend using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
- Open your web browser, type into the URL pane
The web site served by the kit will be your guide as you learn about the board, play with the design examples, and experience developing for Altera SoC FPGA devices. We hope the Atlas-SoC kit experience is both informative and fun. When you are ready, please tell us what you think using the on-line survey. There is a link located at the bottom of the “Develop” page. Your feedback will help us make the next release even better!
The Atlas-SoC kit development team