General Meetings Sprint 3 - SOEN341Project/ GitHub Wiki

General Meeting 1

Date: March 14th 2021

Meeting start: 19:15 pm

  • Separated the task to accomplish during Sprint 3.
  • Discussed how to implement the "Following a user" feature.
  • Discussed how to complete the user session implementation.
  • Decided on how to correctly restructure the architecture from Controller Centered to a proper Layered design.
  • Discussed the implementation of the CI pipeline.
  • Decided to shift from linking each picture with the user id to linking it with the user name instead.
  • Set General Meeting 2 for the 18th 22:00 pm to go over all the features in preparation for the demonstration.

Meeting end: 20:14 pm

General Meeting 2

Date: March 18th 2021

Meeting start: 21:50 pm

  • Tested all the features.
  • Fixed some issues.
  • Discussed the demonstration.

Meeting end: 23:26 pm