Front End Meetings Sprint 3 - SOEN341Project/ GitHub Wiki
FE Meeting 1
Date: March 8th 2021
Meeting start: 6:30 pm
- Discussed the front-end implementation of the core features
- Split tasks so we can begin our work for sprint 3
Meeting end: 7:20 pm
FE Meeting 2
Date: March 12th 2021
Meeting start: 8:15 pm
- Troubleshooted some issues we we're having with back end implementation
Meeting end: 9:00 pm
FE Meeting 3
Date: March 15th 2021
Meeting start: 9:00 pm
- Discussed the extra feature we'd be doing for the next sprint
- Decided on how we'd implement login functionality
Meeting end: 10:00 pm
FE Meeting 4
Date: March 18th 2021
Meeting start: 5:00 pm
- Finalized the back end implementation for our components
- Fixed bugs on the photo gallery component
Meeting end: 7:00 pm