Front End Meetings Sprint 2 - SOEN341Project/ GitHub Wiki

FE Meeting 1

Date: February 11th 2021

Meeting start: 8:30 pm

  • Discussed the frameworks we are going to use for user interface (React)
  • Set up React on each of our computers
  • Decided which core features we'll be working on for sprint 2

Meeting end: 9:30 pm

FE Meeting 2

Date: February 18th 2021

Meeting start: 7:15 pm

  • Discussed the layout of our website
    Header component with navigation bar
    Picture component with liking and commenting
    Profile component with profile picture and profile username
    Login component with login and user registration
    Navigation bar should include post photo component

Meeting end: 8:45 pm

FE Meeting 3

Date: February 21st 2021

Meeting start: 8:30 pm

  • Worked together on implementing some components such as the photo components and the profile page
  • Finalized the format for the user interface
  • Began fixing up components to include bootstrap components

Meeting end: 9:30 pm

FE Meeting 4

Date: February 22nd 2021

Meeting start: 8:00 pm

  • Updated on each of our progress with regards to the components we are working on
  • Troubleshooted certain problems related to posting a picture

Meeting end: 8:30 pm

FE Meeting 5

Date: February 24th 2021

Meeting start: 4:30 pm

  • Connecting the front end interface to the back end database
  • Determining how to send and receive database values from the backend

Meeting end: 5:30 pm

FE Meeting 6

Date: February 25th 2021

Meeting start: 3:00 pm

  • Worked on connecting components to each other for sprint 2 demo
    Finalizing our core feature of being able to post a picture

Meeting end: 4:00 pm

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️