Back End Meetings Sprint 2 - SOEN341Project/ GitHub Wiki
BE Meeting 1
Date: February 11th 2021
Meeting start: 5:00 pm
- Decided that the two features to work on are : posting pictures and commenting on them.
- Set up Node.js and Express.js on each of our computers.
- Decided to use Controller-Service-Database Structure.
Meeting end: 6:30 pm
BE Meeting 2
Date: February 16th 2021
Meeting start: 8:00 pm
- Discussed the data base to be use and selected MongoDB.
- Discussed the structure of each layer.
- Attributed the features (login, registration, picture posting and commenting) to each developer.
Meeting end: 9:15 pm
BE Meeting 3
Date: February 21st 2021
Meeting start: 8:30 pm
- Worked on implementing parts of the features.
- Discussed how the use MongoDB.
Meeting end: 9:30 pm
BE Meeting 4
Date: February 23nd 2021
Meeting start: 8:00 pm
- Help each other with encountered problems.
- Discussed the progress.
Meeting end: 9:00 pm
BE Meeting 5
Date: February 24th 2021
Meeting start: 4:30 pm
- Connecting the front end interface to the back end database.
- Determining how to send and receive database values from the backend.
Meeting end: 5:30 pm
BE Meeting 6
Date: February 25th 2021
Meeting start: 6:00 pm
- Worked on wrapping up for sprint 2 demo.
- Solved many issues.
- Discussed the demo.
Meeting end: 8:00 pm