New stage checklist - SNH48Live/SNH48Live GitHub Wiki

  • Create new playlist, e.g., "Team SⅡ — 第48区";

  • Add the playlist to the "公演场次" section of the channel homepage;

  • fetch-playlists;

  • Download promo video, delogo, and upload:

    ffmpeg -i 'SNH48 TEAM NII原创新公演《以爱之名》宣传片.mp4' -vf delogo=x=1569:y=55:w=296:h=130 -c:v libx264 -crf 20 -preset slower -y -c:a copy -movflags faststart 'SNH48 Team NⅡ《以爱之名》公演宣传片.mp4'

    Model on

  • Add new stage to data/stages.yml; remember to add the finale date to the stage that concluded;

  • Grep bin with a current stage name (e.g. 第48区) to find the scripts that hard-code stage names; for instance, bin/new-config does this;

  • In SNH48Live/, add the new stage to STAGE_AFFILIATIONS in ui.jsx.