Patron Features - SNBeast/PKSM GitHub Wiki

Here you will find documentation on all Patron-exclusive features of PKSM.

How To

To enjoy any of the features below you first have to do three things:

  1. Join FlagBrew's Discord server
  2. On Patreon, become a Patron of either FlagBrew or Bernardo
  3. Make sure your Patreon account is linked to your Discord account:

Once you've fulfilled those conditions, you will be given access to channels of the server and features of PKSM that are exclusive to Patrons. Also, FlagBot will try to PM you your Patron token -- your secret, personal key for unlocking the special Patrons-only features in PKSM.

Below you'll find explanations of the benefits you'll receive from supporting FlagBrew.


Our server has a few channels open only to Patrons, but when it comes to PKSM, the important ones are:

  • #alpharos - This is the channel where our build bot will post alpha builds (often called nightlies) of PKSM whenever a change has been made to its code. Each post includes:
    • a QR to easily install the CIA version on your 3DS with FBI
    • a link to a .zip file containing both the .3dsx and .cia versions of the build
    • the commit hash, identifying what code the build is made from
    • the time the build was made
  • #patrons-chat - This is the general chat for Patrons. Usually this is used to report bugs in early builds or discuss potential new features.
  • #patrons - Basically an announcements channel specifically for Patrons. This is where FlagBrew Team members will post important information, like warnings about changes in nightly builds.
  • #votes - When a new feature, or change to an existing one, comes up that would benefit from user input, those that joined FlagBrew's Patreon at the Decision Maker level will be able to voice their opinion here.


To use the Patron token mentioned earlier, open PKSM's Settings and tap the four corners of the touch screen. The screen should change to look like the following (the highlighted tab may be different):

Patron Code is where you'll enter the token that FlagBot made for you. Pressing will bring up a keyboard where you can type in your token manually or press the QR Scanner button beneath the keyboard to scan the QR code that came in FlagBot's message.


There's also a small reward on our website, specifically on the GPSS page. Uploads from PKSM with a valid Patron code are flagged and have a glow effect applied to their summaries on the list.

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