Test Fixture Design Issue - SMotaal/specs GitHub Wiki

? What interface should the user be expected to provide a test fixture?
  :+ An arrow function that is a task with an interleaved sequence of setup and assertions
    + tasks can be repurposed
    + tasks can be run in [parallel/distributed]
      - cannot have local bindings
    - not declarative
  :+ Fixtures can be named exports from modules
    ? What is the module format?
      : the top-level of the module has no side-effects
        + never a problem to import or reuse a fixture
        - need to declare the dependencies as explicit within a test
        ? how are dependencies declared?
      : the top-level can import side-effecting modules
        - distribution becomes very difficult
        + simpler to understand
    :~+ exports should be conventional names (`test*`, `bench*`, etc)
      + task runners can differentiate the environment to supply to the task
      + convention over configuration
  : .spec.js


[parallel/distributed]: #