gcc - SMRUCC/GCModeller GitHub Wiki

title: gcc tags: [maunal, tools] date: 7/27/2016 6:40:17 PM

GCModeller [version]

Module AssemblyName: file:///G:/GCModeller/manual/bin/gcc.exe Root namespace: gcc.CLI

All of the command that available in this program has been list below:

Function API Info
compile_metacyc compile a metacyc database into a gcml(genetic clock markup language) model file.


Help for command '-add_replacement':

Prototype: gcc.CLI::Int32 AddNewPair(Microsoft.VisualBasic.CommandLine.CommandLine)

  Usage:        G:\GCModeller\manual\bin\gcc.exe -add_replacement -old <old_value> -new <new_value>
  Example:      gcc -add_replacement 
Help for command '-add_rule':

Prototype: gcc.CLI::Int32 AddRule(Microsoft.VisualBasic.CommandLine.CommandLine)

  Usage:        G:\GCModeller\manual\bin\gcc.exe -add_rule -rulefile <path> -db <datadir> -model <path> [-grep <scriptText>]
  Example:      gcc -add_rule 

Parameters information:

    Description:  a file contains some protein interaction rules

    Example:      -rulefile ""

    Description:  original database for the target compiled model

    Example:      -db ""

    Description:  Target model file for adding some new rules

    Example:      -model ""

    Description:  If null then the system will using the MeatCyc database unique-id parsing method as default.

    Example:      -grep ""

Accepted Types

Help for command 'compile_metacyc':

Prototype: gcc.CLI::Int32 CompileMetaCyc(Microsoft.VisualBasic.CommandLine.CommandLine)

  Information:  compile a metacyc database into a gcml(genetic clock markup language) model file.
  Usage:        G:\GCModeller\manual\bin\gcc.exe compile_metacyc -i <data_dir> -o <output_file>
  Example:      gcc compile_metacyc compile_metacyc -i ~/Documents/ecoli/ -o ~/Desktop/ecoli.xml

Parameters information:


    Example:      -i ""


    Example:      -o ""

Accepted Types

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