Module Utils - SINTEF-Geometry/GoTools GitHub Wiki


The utility module was developed in parallel with the geometry module, and it contains various useful classes and functions related to mathematics and computational geometry, while not being directly related to splines.

Data structures

The module contains various templated arrays and optimised vectors.

Geometrical objects

The module contains certain geometrical objects that are ubiquitous in computational geometry, like

  • Point: points
  • BoundingBox, axis-aligned or rotated (RotatedBox), or composite (CompositeBox)
  • Rational: rational numbers
  • BaryCoordSystem: barycentric coordinate systems
  • DirectionCone: a direction cone given by a direction and an angle


  • Factorial: Compile-time computation of factorials
  • FunctionMinimizer: A general, nonlinear function minimizer in an arbitrary number of variables. This can be useful in a great number of different settings!