Module TrivariateModel Examples - SINTEF-Geometry/GoTools GitHub Wiki
Example Build a volume model representing a simplified mid ship, hull with stiffeneres in both directions and deck. The model is represented as a block structured volume model.
Example This program demonstrates how to create a volume model from a set of spline surfaces. The surfaces must be connected. The surface set is mirrored around a given plane, and lofting between corresponding surfaces is performed.
Example The idea of this program is to sweep a set of surfaces to create a multi patch volume model. The surface set will be created by the example programs in compositemodel
: createSplitDisc
and createBlockStructuredDisc
Example The idea of this program is to read a B-rep model in the g2-file format and create a trivariate spline model. Note that the functionality works only for some classes of B-rep models.
Example Create a block-structured volume model from a face set describing a boundary-represented solid that may be created by sweeping a planar face set along a straight line.
Example Create a block-structured volume model from a face set describing a boundary-represented solid representing a rotational object.
Example Create a block-structured volume model from a face set consisting of possibly trimmed surfaces with arbitrary topology (no corner-to-corner conditions). The face set represents a boundary-represented solid and is described in a g2-file.
Example The idea of this program is to read a B-rep model in g2-format and check if it can be regenerated as a linear sweep. In that case a multi-block trivariate spline model will be created.