Module Trivariate Examples - SINTEF-Geometry/GoTools GitHub Wiki

Example coons_patch_volume_gen.C

This program demonstrates the use of the static function createCoonsPatch in the namespace CoonsPatchVolumeGen. The function can create a new SplineVolume representing the Coons patch of six SplineSurfaces, the six faces of the volume.

Example createCoonsVolume.C

The program creates a Coons volume and performs smoothing of this volume, keeping the boundary surfaces fixed.

Example linear_swept_volume.C

This program demonstrates the use of the static function linearSweptVolume in the class SweepVolumeCreator. The function can generate a SplineVolume by sweeping a surface along a curve or sweeping a curve along a surface. A sweeping point on the curve or the surface must be specified. If the point lies on the surface, the surface will be swept along the curve. If the point lies on the the curve, the curve will be swept along the surface. The curve and the surface must be such that it doesn't lead to self-intersection.

Example loft_volume_creator.C

This program demonstrates the use of a static function loftVolume in the namespace LoftVolumeCreator. The function uses lofting to create a new SplineVolume based on a set of surfaces. The surfaces are not changed during the lofting process. The surfaces must lie in the same space.

Example rotational_swept_volume.C

This program demonstrates the use of the static function rotationalSweptVolume in the class SweepVolumeCreator. The function can generate a SplineVolume by rotating a surface around an axis. The surface must be such that it doesn't lead to self-intersection.