How to setup iRacing in Windowed Mode - SIMRacingApps/SIMRacingApps GitHub Wiki
iRacing can be configured to run in Windowed Mode and still be full screen. This will allow Electron to put the widgets on top of the SIM's screen anywhere you want them and they will stay on top.
All of the following is also documented by iRacing if you go to
To do this, in your Documents\iRacing\rendererDX11Monitor.ini and Documents\iRacing\app.ini files, set the following variables. Please keep a backup copy of this file before you change it for reference. This example is for 1 monitor.
Note: Only edit this file when iRacing is not running. Otherwise, when it exits, it will overwrite your changes to what they were when it first launched.
fullScreen=0 ;0=windowed mode, 1=full screen mode (other variables are not used in full screen mode)
border=0 ;0=no borders or header, 1=header visible.
reduceFramerateWhenFocusLost=0 ;Set to zero so iRacing will not slow down while clicking an App
windowedMaximized=1 ;1=Window is maximized in windowed mode, 0=not maximized
windowedAlignment=0 ; windowed mode alignment: 0 - none, 1 - center, 2 - top left
windowedXPos=0 ;locate the window on the display you want it maximized on.
windowedYPos=0 ;locate the window on the display you want it maximized on.
windowedWidth=1920 ;optional, will only be used if not maximized. Set to your dimension.
windowedHeight=1080 ;optional, will only be used if not maximized. Set to your dimension.
muteWhenFocusLost=0 ;set this to 0 to hear sim sounds when another program has the keyboard focus
Auto Hide Window's Task Bar
If the task bar is in the way, you can get windows to hide it by following these steps. To use it later, just point at where the task bar would be and it will temporarily unuhide it.
- Right click on the Window's Task Bar and select "Task Bar Settings".
- Turn on the option to "Automatically hide the taskbar in desktop mode".
Triple Screens
Windows combines your monitors
If Windows has combined your monitors into one monitor, the only thing you will change from above is the following.
windowedWidth=5760 ;optional, will only be used if not maximized. Set to your dimension.
deviceIdx=0 ;which adapter. Depends on how many monitors you have. If 0 doesn't work, try 1.
;This is also used in fullscreen mode, so you probably do not have to change it.
Windows sees multiple monitors
If Windows sees your monitors as separate monitors, you will want your windowedXPos and windowedYPos to be on the left most monitor of your triples. 0,0 will be the monitor that is set as your main. Assuming your resolution is 1920 x 1080 and your main monitor is the middle monitor, then the windowedXPos will be "-1920".
I have 4 monitors in the following configuration. All of them are 1920 x 1080.
"A" is set as my main monitor. That means I have to set my X,Y as.
windowedXPos=-1920 ;Window top left corner in windowed mode
windowedYPos=1080 ;Window top left corner in windowed mode
windowedMaximized=0 ;1=Window is maximized in windowed mode, 0=not maximized
deviceIdx=1 ;make this one of the 3 monitors where iRacing will run
There have been some cases reported where in this mode the monitors that iRacing is using do not seem to line up from left to right. When evaluating the exact pixel positioning, the YPos is not the same on the 3 monitors (B,C,D). I resorted to modifying the coordinates in the registry to get them to line up. If you feel you need to do this, please Google on how to do it for you particular video driver.