Namespaces - SFTtech/openage GitHub Wiki


So far our examples only covered a few objects at a time. In practice, games or ambitious mods can require hundreds or even thousands of different objects. Ideally these should not be put into a single file, but organized in several files which are sorted into a sane folder structure themselves. That begs the question how one can reference an object that is declared in another file somewhere else in the modpack. As you probably guessed, the answer is namespaces.

Spreading objects across files

The engine will automatically assume that a file with the ending .nyan (nyan file) contains nyan objects. Modders can choose freely how they want to organize the folder structure of their modpack and which objects are put in which nyan files. Each nyan file creates a namespace that is derived from the file's path and name. Objects in the file are all part of the same namespace.


# filename: tentaclemod/units/monster.nyan
# namespace:
    hp = 5

    hp += 15

    hp = 10

In the above example the filepath is tentaclemod/units/monster.nyan which translates to the namespace The objects TentacleMonster, TentacleUpgrade and MonsterHunter are part of this namespace.

Fully qualified object name

Objects can be referenced from anywhere using the fully qualified object name (fqon). The fqon is a combination of the namespace and the object name. Given the previous example, the object TentacleMonster in monster.nyan has the fqon This also allows referencing objects in other mods:


# filename: ageofempires2/units/spearman.nyan
# namespace: ageofempires2.units.spearman

    hp = 40
    speed = 2.0

# filename: spearmod/units/spearman.nyan
# namespace: spearmod.units.spearman

# This object inhherits from Spearman
# in namespace ageofempires2.units.spearman
    hp += 20
    speed += 0.5

SuperSpearman inherits from Spearman in another mod. In this case the mod is the Age of Empires 2 base game, but user mods can also reference each other.

Because an fqon must be unique, objects in the same namespace must not have the same object name. However, objects in different namespaces are allowed to share the same object name.


# filename: ageofempires2/units/spearman.nyan
# namespace: ageofempires2.units.spearman

    hp = 40
    speed = 2.0

# filename: japaneseunitsmod/units/spearman.nyan
# namespace: japaneseunitsmod.units.spearman

# Different spearman
    hp = 50
    speed = 1.5

Above are two objects with the object name Spearman. Even though they are share the same name, their fqon stays unique. The spearman from Age of Empires 2 is referenced with the fqon ageofempires2.units.spearman.Spearman, while the one from the Japanese Units Mod has the fqon japaneseunitsmod.units.spearman.Spearman.


fqons tend to get very long depending on the file names and folder structure. To combat this problem, nyan allows to import a namespace under an alias.


    hp = 40
    speed = 2.0

import ageofempires2.units.spearman as basegame

# 'basegame' is an alias for namespace 'ageofempires2.units.spearman'
    hp += 20
    speed += 0.5