FAQ - SFTtech/openage GitHub Wiki
Frequently asked questions
Where can I report bugs?
Create an issue in the issue tracker. Your report should contain the following:
- short description of the bug (when, where, how it happened)
- general system info (operating system, openage version)
- optionally: screenshots for visual bugs, steps to reproduce the bug, error messages
The better you can describe the bug, the faster we can fix it.
Where can I suggest features?
If you want to suggest engine features, the issue tracker is the right address.
For minor gameplay features, visit the subreddit and make a pitch. You can use the issue tracker for gameplay features too, but we obviously don't want a lot of issues that just say "Increase unit X's stats by 5". The developers visit the subreddit regularly and will discuss ideas together with the community.
What are the licensing terms for using the openage engine?
openage and its components are free software. Here is an overview of what licenses we use for parts of the project.
- openage: GPLv3
- openage-data: GPLv3, CC-BY-SA
- nyan: LGPLv3
- openage-modding: GPLv3, CC-BY-SA
- openage-masterserver: AGPLv3
Can I use the openage engine to develop my own game?
Yes, you can develop any game with the openage engine and we encourage you to do so. You also don't have to ask for our permission. Just make sure that the source code is available when your game goes public.
Can I sell a game developed with the openage engine?
Yes, that is possible. As the project is free software, there are no licensing fees involved.
Be aware that you will be required to give your buyers access to the modified source code and modified versions of scripts, media files or documents that were taken from our repositories. Scripts, media files or documents that you wrote or created yourself can be licensed under the terms of your choosing. For example, nyan files, sounds, sprites, animations or a manual can use a proprietary license.
If you plan on selling physical copies of your game, make sure to include the GPLv3 license text on the physical medium.
I want to use DRM to protect the game I made. Is that allowed?
In theory you could use DRM, but it would be pointless since you would need to publish the code for your copy protection too. People will just strip the DRM from your program. Save the time you need for implementing copy protection and instead make a game that everybody wants to buy.
How do I correctly spell the project name?
The official spelling is "openage" in all lowercase. We've seen many variations floating around (Openage, OpenAge, openAGE, Open Age, 0penage, etc.) and really don't mind how you spell it. However, the spellings "Open Age/OpenAge" are already taken by an organization in the UK that provides activities for elderly people. They shouldn't be used if you want to avoid confusion.