Sequence Models - SENG-350-2024-fall/Team4 GitHub Wiki

Virtual Triage Sequence Diagram



Sequence of actions:

  1. login(username, password)
    • From Patient to Mister Ed
  2. verifyCredentials(username, password)
    • From Mister Ed to UserDatabase
  3. credentialsAccepted
    • From UserDatabase to Mister Ed
  4. displayHomepage
    • From Mister Ed to Patient
  5. beginVirtualTriage
    • From Patient to Mister Ed
  6. recommendVisitER
    • From Mister Ed to `Patient


[patient chooses to book appointment] 7. bookAppointment

  • From Patient to Mister Ed
  1. confirmBooking
    • From Mister Ed to Hospital
  2. bookingConfirmed
    • From Hospital to Mister Ed
  3. notifyBookingConfirmed
  • From Mister Ed to Patient
  1. notifyAppointmentReady
  • From Mister Ed to Patient

View Patient History Sequence Diagram

Patient_History drawio


Sequence of actions:

  1. viewPatientHistory
    • From Doctor to HomePage
  2. viewPatientHistory(Patient)
    • From HomePage to PatientProfile
  3. getPatientHistory(Patient)
    • From PatientProfile to UserDatabase
  4. patientHistoryReturned
    • From UserDatabase to Doctor

Adjust Triage Priority Sequence Diagram

Triage drawio


Sequence of actions:

  1. adjustTriagePriority
    • From Doctor to HomePage
  2. adjustTriagePriority(Patient, Priority)
    • From HomePage to TriageSection
  3. updateTriagePriority(Patient, Priority)
    • From TriageSection to UserDatabase
  4. priorityAdjusted
    • From UserDatabase to Doctor