Patient - SENG-350-2024-fall/Team4 GitHub Wiki

Use Case Diagram


Use Case Descriptions

Item Description
Use Case 1.1.Sign_Up history created 18/09/2024 Jett Lam
Description Patients must sign-up with Mister Ed before accessing its features
Actors Patient
Assumptions Patient has not used Mister Ed before
Steps 1. Patient accesses Mister Ed and is met with a login screen 2. Patient chooses the "Sign-up" option 3. Patient creates account:     3.1. Patient chooses a unqiue username     3.2. Patient enters their full name     3.3. Patient chooses a password
Variations (optional) N/A
Non-Functional (optional) N/A
Issues N/A
Item Description
Use Case 1.2.Undergo_Virtual_Triage history created 18/09/2024 Jett Lam, modified 25/09/2024
Description Patient undergoes a virtual assessment of their condition
Actors Patient
Assumptions Patient is already signed into Mister Ed
Steps 1. Patient selects the "Virtual Triage" feature 2. Mister Ed asks the patient for information in order to diagnose their condition:     2.1. A description of what they are feeling     2.2. A series of yes/no questions reagrding symptoms 3. Mister Ed recommends next action based on assessment
Variations (optional) N/A
Non-Functional (optional) N/A
Issues N/A
Item Description
Use Case 1.3.Other_Action history created 18/09/2024 Jett Lam, modified 25/09/2024
Description Mister Ed recommends a course of action other than visiting the ED
Actors Patient
Assumptions Patient has already undergone virtual triage
Steps 1. Mister Ed tells patient what they should do instead of visiting the ED:     1.1. Visit walk-in clinic     1.2. See family doctor     1.3. Treat with OTC medication     1.4. etc.
Variations (optional) N/A
Non-Functional (optional) N/A
Issues N/A
Item Description
Use Case 1.4.Visit_ED history created 18/09/2024 Jett Lam, modified 25/09/2024
Description Mister Ed recommends patient visit the ED to undergo treatment
Actors Patient
Assumptions Patient has already undergone virtual triage
Steps 1. Mister Ed recommends patient visit the ED immediately 2. Mister Ed informs patient about location of nearest ED and expected wait time 3. Patient leaves immediately for the provided ED
Variations (optional) #2 Patient may also choose to book an appointment and receive a notification when they can visit
Non-Functional (optional) N/A
Issues N/A
Item Description
Use Case 1.5.Book_Appointment history created 25/09/2024 Jett Lam, modified 25/09/2024
Description Patient books appointment with ED instead of waiting in-person
Actors Patient
Assumptions Patient received recommendation to visit ED from Mister Ed
Steps 1. Patient selects the "Book Appointment" feature 2. Patient uses map to select which ED they want to visit 3. Mister Ed books the patient with the ED's system
Variations (optional) N/A
Non-Functional (optional) N/A
Issues N/A
Item Description
Use Case 1.6.Notify_Appointment_Ready history created 18/09/2024 Jett Lam, modified 25/09/2024
Description Patient is notified that their appointment at the ED is ready
Actors Patient
Assumptions Patient has already booked an appointment at the ED through Mister Ed
Steps 1. Mister Ed displays a pop-up notification to the patient that their appointment is ready 2. Patient confirms the appointment 3. Mister Ed informs the ED that the patient is on their way
Variations (optional) #1 Mister Ed may also notify the patient via email or phone number, depending on the patients app settings
Non-Functional (optional) N/A
Issues N/A