Nurse - SENG-350-2024-fall/Team4 GitHub Wiki

Use Case Diagram

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Use Case Descriptions

  1. Review Patient Triage Results
Item Description
Use Case UC-3.1 Review Patient Triage Results
Description The nurse reviews virtual triage results provided by the system to ensure that patients are directed to the appropriate care.
Actors Nurse
Assumptions Patient has completed the virtual triage.
  1. The nurse logs into the system.
  2. The system displays patients waiting for review.
  3. The nurse selects a patient and reviews the triage recommendation.
  4. The nurse confirms or modifies the triage recommendation.
  5. The system updates the patient's status.
Variations (Optional) If the patient’s data is unavailable, the nurse is notified of the missing information and advised to contact technical support.
Non-Functional (Optional) The system must load patient triage results within 2 seconds of selection.
Issues N/A
Created By: Osalira, Benjamin
Date Created: 09/25/24 modified 09/30/24
  1. Notify Patients of ED Availability
Item Description
Use Case UC-3.2 Notify Patients of ED Availability
Description The nurse notifies patients when they should come to the ED based on availability and priority
Actors Nurse
Assumptions The system has a queue of patients waiting to be seen.
  1. The nurse logs into the system.
  2. The system displays the current patient queue.
  3. The nurse selects a patient and checks the ED capacity.
  4. The nurse notifies the patient when they should come to the ED.
  5. The system updates the patient's status.
Variations (Optional) N/A
Non-Functional (Optional) Notifications must be successfully delivered 99.9% of the time so that the patients receive timely updates.
Issues N/A
Created By: Osalira, Benjamin
Date Created: 09/25/24 modified 09/30/24
  1. Update Patient Information
Item Description
Use Case UC-3.3 Update Patient Information
Description The nurse updates a patient’s personal or medical information in the system as required.
Actors Nurse
Assumptions The nurse has access to the patient’s record.
  1. The nurse logs into the system.
  2. The nurse selects a patient’s record.
  3. The nurse updates the relevant patient details (e.g., medical history, contact information).
  4. The system saves the updates.
Variations (Optional) N/A
Non-Functional (Optional) All patient data updates must be encrypted to ensure compliance with healthcare data privacy standards
Issues N/A
Created By: Osalira, Benjamin
Date Created: 09/25/24 modified 09/30/24
  1. Schedule Follow-Up Appointments
Item Description
Use Case UC-3.4 Schedule Follow-Up Appointments
Description The nurse schedules follow-up appointments for patients after an ED visit, if necessary.
Actors Nurse
Assumptions The patient has completed their ED visit and requires follow-up care.
  1. The nurse logs into the system.
  2. The nurse reviews the patient’s case and identifies the need for a follow-up appointment.
  3. The nurse selects a follow-up date and time.
  4. The system schedules the appointment and sends a notification to the patient.
Variantions (Optional) N/A
Non-Functional (Optional) The interface for scheduling must allow the nurse to complete the process within 2 minutes, using no more than 5 clicks
Issues N/A
Created By: Osalira, Benjamin
Date Created: 09/25/24 modified 09/30/24
  1. Monitor ED Resource Availability
Item Description
Use Case UC-3.5 Monitor ED Resource Availability
Description The nurse monitors the availability of resources (beds, equipment) in the ED and updates the system accordingly.
Actors Nurse
Assumptions The system is tracking resource availability in real time.
  1. The nurse logs into the system.
  2. The system displays current resource usage (e.g., bed availability).
  3. The nurse updates the status of resources (e.g., freeing up a bed).
  4. The system updates the ED resource availability in real time.
Variations (Optional) N/A
Non-Functional (Optional) The system must update the availability of ED resources in real-time, with a maximum delay of 5 seconds to reflect the current status of resources.
Issues N/A
Created By: Osalira, Benjamin
Date Created: 09/25/24 modified 09/30/24
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