Class Model - SENG-350-2024-fall/Team4 GitHub Wiki

Class Diagram

Entity Relationship Diagram - Page 6 (1)

The Class Diagram represents the static structure of the Mister Ed Medical Information System, outlining the key entities in the system, such as Patient, Doctor, Nurse, SystemAdmin, and Facility, along with their attributes and methods. Each class contains specific attributes representing its state and methods defining its behavior.

Diagram Explanation


  1. Patient ↔ Appointment:

    • Multiplicity: 1-to-many. A patient can book many appointments.
    • Relationship: bookAppointment()
  2. Patient ↔ VirtualTriage:

    • Multiplicity: 1-to-many. A patient can undergo multiple virtual triage sessions.
    • Relationship: undergoVirtualTriage()
  3. Doctor ↔ VirtualTriage:

    • Multiplicity: 1-to-many. A doctor can review multiple triage results.
    • Relationship: reviewTriageResults()
  4. Doctor ↔ Patient:

    • Multiplicity: 1-to-many. A doctor can monitor and manage multiple patients.
    • Relationship: requestInPersonFollowUp()
  5. Nurse ↔ Patient:

    • Multiplicity: 1-to-many. A nurse can update and manage multiple patients.
    • Relationship: notifyPatientsOfEDAvailability()
  6. SystemAdmin ↔ Facility:

    • Multiplicity: 1-to-many. A system admin can manage many facilities.
    • Relationship: addFacility()
  7. Facility ↔ Appointment:

    • Multiplicity: 1-to-many. A facility can have many appointments scheduled.
    • Relationship: checkResourceAvailability()