StateMachineDiagrams - SENG-350-2024-fall/Team-8 GitHub Wiki

State Machine Diagrams

Account Management

This state machine diagram illustrates the transitions between states that are shared by the patient, nurse, doctor, and EMTs. The user is initially logged out and, upon logging in, is immediately redirected to the homepage of the system. From there, the user can perform various tasks while having the option to return to the homepage at any time. The user can log out from the homepage. Account Management


This is the state diagram for the nurse when performing a triage. Nurse Triage


This is a state diagram for the Patient when requesting a triage. From the homepage, the patient selects the 'Request Triage' button which triggers the flow of events being showcased in diagram. Depending on the state of the patient, the triage can result in booking an appointment for a triage visit, or a dispatch request being sent out for the more extreme cases. Once the triage is over, the patient can review their assessment.



This state machine diagram shows the transitions and states that are unique to the doctor. From the homepage of the system, the doctor can navigate to the patient schedule. From there, the doctor can proceed to select a patient from the schedule to view their medical history. The doctor can return to the homepage at any time. Doctor


This is a state diagram for the Admin performing their main duties.



This is a state machine diagram for the EMT and their main states related to dispatch requests and dispatching ambulance. EMT

System Diagram (Patient View)

This is a state diagram of the system from the patient view. As shown in the diagram, all the major functionality pertaining to the patient is represented.
