Implementation Goals - SENG-350-2024-fall/Team-8 GitHub Wiki

Implementation Goals for Milestone 4

For this milestone, our general objective was to flesh out and complete the main functionalities of the Mister Ed. system:

  • Triages
  • User Support Tickets
  • Appointment Booking
  • EMT Dispatch

The overall goal was to be able to be able to run through the average experience for each user (a happy-path test, essentially) without encountering any problems (major bugs, missing features, etc.). The specific, programming tasks created for this milestone can be found in our issues section.

Previous Milstones

In milestone 3, we created a list of programming tasks for each of the miletones. All of the programming tasks for milestone 3 were completed within that milestone; nothing had to be shifted into milestone 4. As a matter of fact, some of the tasks for milestone 4, such as the triage queue, were completed in milestone 3 instead.

However, there were some tasks made for milestone 4 that ended up being dropped due to time constraints:

  • Decorator pattern for triage results
  • Different notification classes

These fall under the "design patterns we wanted to implement, but didn't need to" section. In future milestones, these design patters could be safely implemented into our system, but for milestone 4 they weren't necessary. Thus, they were never implemented.

Comments on Milestone 4 Implementation and Future Goals

By defering the implementations of the aforementioned design patterns, we were able to create a system that is closer to a working prototype than an incomplete dev environment. We were able to meet our goal of implementing a working triage system, support tickets, appointment booking, and EMT dispatch. There are no stand-out issues that cause or program to crash or work incorrectly from a happy-path perspective.

In the next milestone, it will be our goal to start addressing uncommon user behaviours and addressing the logic of our application. For example, if a nurse exits a triage early, how can we ensure that a patient doesn't lose their place in queue, or get stuck? Essentially, the issues in our use cases should be addressed to ensure Mister Ed. is a reliable option for patients.