Contributions (Milestone 4) - SENG-350-2024-fall/Team-8 GitHub Wiki

Victor Mendes: Edited SAD references, overview, glossary and view mapping. reviewed pull requests and developed SAD analysis questionnaire.

Jacob Arychuk: Set up the Wiki with new pages and links for Milestone 4 (included building the SAD template). Finished the patient view of the triage pages. Fixed a bug with the error logs and fixed bug in the appointment view. Created the deployment view in the SAD. Expanded the queue system for hospital-specific queues, customized triage page based on user role, clearing local storage after logout and protected pages.

Simran Cheema: Completed the Component View and the DFD View in the SAD as well as completed the Analysis for the SAD Review. Finished the Support Ticket Admin Page, Appointment View Page, and created user specific homepages for each user type. I also reviewed/approved pull requests.

Reid Williamson: Completed the Architecture Background in the SAD. Created the Perform Triage page, Book Appointment element, and the initial API/Implementation for the triage queue. Reviewed/approved pull requests as needed. New & Updated Diagrams and Implementation Goals section in Milestone 4 wiki.

Matt Halkovic: All implementation for dispatch requests, dispatch request page, and any affiliated database management and clients. Created module view package diagram for SAD and related documentation. Contributed to question set creation and participated in all SAD reviews with other teams.