Contributions (Milestone 3) - SENG-350-2024-fall/Team-8 GitHub Wiki
Contributions (Milestone 3)
Victor Mendes: created profile page, implemented local storage for logging in, Reviewed pull requests, Edited/formatted wiki entry
Jacob Arychuk: Set up JSON Server as a mock database using singleton design pattern, created patient triage request page, created custom sidebar for the wiki
Simran Cheema: Worked on the Factory Method, Chain of Responsibility, and Decorator Pattern for the Create Account Functionality and did the State Machine Design Pattern for the Support Tickets. Also setup the Support Ticket view/functionality for both users and admins. Lastly, I reviewed pull requests and wrote a few of the design patterns/availability tactics on the wiki.
Reid Williamson: Created the logging classes, database, and tests. Reworked databases to use Singleton clients. Created the nurse perform triage page. Created a queue for each requested triage, hosted on a node server. Created an API for adding/shifting to the queue. Wrote about the exception handling and singleton patterns in the wiki.
Matt Halkovic: Worked on EMT homepage and EMT state machine design pattern, implementing availability state and database client for live updates of EMT availability to the json server database. Writeup contributions for part of state machine and for exception detection tactic used in the debugging of availability state database client.