Project Milestone 1 - SENG-350-2024-fall/Team-14 GitHub Wiki

Milestone Summary

This project is an emergency department triaging tool to reduce unnecessary load on hospitals. This tool will help patients understand the load on emergency departments in their area, as well as determine whether they should actually go to the emergency room. The patient will either be told to stay home, to come in for physical triage or to seek some other care such as the help of a general practitioner or over the counter medication.

Textual Descriptions

Use Case #1 View Virtual Queue
Goal in Context Allow a healthcare professional to view overall load and members of the virtual ED queue.
Scope & Level Primary Task
  • ED queue exists
  • Patient is registered
  • Healthcare professional is logged in
Success End Condition Virtual Queue contents are displayed to the user.
Primary, Second Actors Emergency Doctor, Nurse
Trigger User selects view virtual queue button
1 User selects “View Virtual Queue Button” for some ED
2 Queue is displayed, patients and ED load is displayed
EXTENSIONS Step Branching Action
2a User selects some patient in the queue to view their info
Use Case #2 View Patient Time
Goal in Context Any patient can view their own position in the queue and the wait time specific to them.
Scope & Level Primary Task
  • Queue exists
  • Patient is registered
  • Patient is logged in
Success End Condition The specified user can view their wait time.
Primary, Second Actors Patient
  • Patient selects the Enter Virtual Triage button
1 Patient selects the Enter Virtual Triage button
2 User can see their wait time at the hospital they’re registered at.
Use Case #3 View Patient Information
Goal in Context Healthcare professional can see user’s background information.
Scope & Level Primary Task
  • Patients are in the queue
  • Healthcare professional is logged in
Success End Condition The correct user’s information is displayed on screen.
Primary, Second Actors Emergency Doctor, Nurse
Trigger Healthcare professional searches for a patient.
1 User enters a patients name into search bar.
2 User selects correct patient from dropdown list.
3 User is presented with correct patient’s information
SUB-VARIATIONS Branching Action
1 User may also enter:
- Birthday
- Address
2 User may also:
- Hit Enter
- Use arrows to select patient from dropdown list
Use Case #4 Register Account
Goal in Context Users can create an account for the Mister Ed system.
Scope & Level Primary Task
  • User does not have an existing account.
Success End Condition
  • Patients will receive an email or text confirmation that their account has been created.
  • Patients can now login to their account.
Primary, Second Actors Patient
Trigger Patient clicks the “Register” button.
1 Patient opens the Mister Ed application.
2 Patient can see the “Log in” or “Register” options.
3 Patient clicks the “Register” button.
EXTENSIONS Step Branching Action
3a Patient fills out all required information needed to create an account.
3b Patient confirms and submits their information. An account has been created.
3c Patient is sent a confirmation email.
SUB-VARIATIONS Branching Action
  • Patient fills out information regarding: Name, birthday, address, healthcare number, family doctor, phone number, email, important medical history, etc.
  • Patient creates a username and password.
3c Patient can receive their registration confirmation by: Text or email
Use Case #5 Log in
Goal in Context Users can log into their account to use the application.
Scope & Level Primary Task
  • User has an existing account.
Success End Condition
  • Patients now have access to their account within the Mister Ed application.
  • Patients can see their account information and register for a virtual triage.
Primary, Second Actors Patient, Nurse, Emergency Doctor, Admin
Trigger User clicks the “Log in” button.
1 User opens the Mister Ed application.
2 User can see the “Log in” or “Register” options.
3 User clicks the “Log in” button.
EXTENSIONS Step Branching Action
3a System prompts the user to enter their username and password.
Use Case #6 Log out
Goal in Context Users can log out of their account.
Scope & Level Primary Task
  • User has an existing account.
  • User in already logged into their account
Success End Condition
  • “You are signed out.” appears on screen.
Primary, Second Actors Patient, Nurse, Emergency Doctor, Admin
Trigger User clicks the “Log Out” button.
1 User clicks the “Log Out” button.
EXTENSIONS Step Branching Action
1a “You are signed out.” appears on screen.
Use Case #7 Enter Virtual Triage
Goal in Context Users enter into virtual triage.
Scope & Level Primary Task
  • Patient is logged into their Mister Ed account.
Success End Condition
  • Patient is successfully registered for virtual triage. When it is the patient’s turn in the queue, a healthcare professional will assess their symptoms.
Primary, Second Actors Patient, Nurse
Trigger Patient clicks the “Enter Virtual Triage” button.
1 Patient clicks “Enter Virtual Triage”.
2 Patients will be prompted to describe the current symptoms they are experiencing and the reason for entering the virtual triage.
3 Patient officially enters the queue.
EXTENSIONS Step Branching Action
3a A nurse will assess the patient’s symptoms and reasoning for wanting to visit an ED.
3b The nurse will decide whether they should come to visit an ED or follow another course of action.
SUB-VARIATIONS Branching Action
2 Patients may be asked to fill out the following information: Concerning symptoms, reason for entering the virtual triage, update their medical history and medications.
3b If the healthcare professional believes that the patient should follow another course of action, they can make a recommendation: visit a primary care clinic, take an over-the-counter medication, or contact a nurse
Use Case #8 Register Employee Account
Goal in Context Administrator creates a new employee account
Scope & Level Primary Task
  • Admin user is logged in
  • Employee personal information is known
Success End Condition
  • A new employee account exists
Primary, Second Actors Admin, Employee (Emergency Doctor, Medical Practitioner or Nurse)
Trigger Admin clicks “Create Employee Account”
1 Admin clicks “Create Employee Account”
2 Admin fills out employee information such as: full name, date of Birth, employee ID, employee position, email, phone number, etc.
3 Admin chooses a username and password for the new account
4 Admin clicks “Create Account”
Use Case #9 Delete Employee Account
Goal in Context Administrator deletes an existing employee account
Scope & Level Primary Task
  • Admin user is logged in
  • The employee account exists
Success End Condition
  • The desired employee account no longer exists
Primary, Second Actors Admin, Employee (Emergency Doctor, Medical Practitioner or Nurse)
Trigger An employee account needs to be deleted
1 Admin selects “View Employee Accounts”
2 Admin selects an employee account
3 Admin selects “Delete Account”
4 Admin confirms the action
SUB-VARIATIONS Branching Action
4a Admin can cancel deletion
Use Case #10 Edit Employee Account
Goal in Context Admin edits the details of an employee account
Scope & Level Primary Task
  • Admin user is logged in
  • The employee account exists
Success End Condition
  • The employee account has the updated account details
Primary, Second Actors Admin, Employee (Emergency Doctor, Medical Practitioner or Nurse)
Trigger An employee account needs to be modified
1 Admin selects “View Employee Accounts”
2 Admin selects an account
3 Admin selects “Edit Account”
4 Admin updates the account details
5 Admin selects “Save Changes”
6 Admin confirms the action
SUB-VARIATIONS Branching Action
1 Employee can change their password
Use Case #11 View emergency department wait time
Goal in Context Nurse views the emergency department wait time for all hospitals in the area
Scope & Level Primary Task
  • Nurse user is logged in
Success End Condition
  • The nurse knows the emergency wait times for all of the hospitals in the area
Primary, Second Actors Nurse, Emergency Doctor
Trigger The nurse has just finished reading a virtual triage
1 Nurse selects view emergency wait times
2 Nurse views the wait times
Use Case #12 Notify patient
Goal in Context Nurse notifies the patient that the emergency room is ready for them
Scope & Level Primary Task
  • The nurse is logged in
  • The patient has completed a virtual triage
  • The nurse has viewed the virtual triage
  • The nurse has viewed the emergency wait times
Success End Condition
  • The system sends a notification to the patient
Primary, Second Actors Nurse


Trigger A doctor becomes available in the emergency room
1 Nurse selects the patient at the front of the queue
2 Nurse selects “Notify Patient”
3 Patient is removed from the queue
EXTENSIONS Step Branching Action
1 Professional can send notification that the queue has lengthened
SUB-VARIATIONS Branching Action
1a Professional receives a confirmation the notification was sent
Use Case #13 Receive notification
Goal in Context Nurse notifies the patient that the emergency room is ready for them
Scope & Level Primary Task
  • The patient is logged in
  • The patient has completed a virtual triage
  • The nurse has viewed the virtual triage
  • The nurse has viewed the emergency wait times
  • The nurse has selected “notify patient”
Success End Condition
  • The patient is notified that the emergency room is ready for them
Primary, Second Actors Nurse


Trigger A doctor becomes available in the emergency room
1 The patient views a drop down notification that the emergency room is ready

Patient Use Case Diagram

Patient Use Case

Admin Use Case Diagram

Admin Use Case

Emergency Doctor Use Case Diagram

Emergency Doctor

Nurse Use Case Diagram

Contribution Description

Our team includes Liam, Erich, Ashley and Isaac. We each brainstormed use cases for the project, as well as actors to associate with them. We came up with 14, then each member wrote use case descriptions for 3-4 use cases. We then got together and made our 5 use case diagrams, working together to build the diagrams and get them documented and put on the wiki in GitHub.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️