Component Model - SENG-350-2024-fall/Team-11 GitHub Wiki


This diagram represents the key components and their interactions within the system, showing both the internal relationships between various components and how they communicate with external systems.

1. Symptom Evaluation System (SymptomEval):

  • This component is responsible for managing the symptom evaluation process. It interacts with the User Role System to determine user-specific functionality and communicates with the Notification System to alert users regarding the results of their evaluations.

2. Prescription Command System (PrescriptionCmd):

  • Handles the prescription process. It sends data to the Database Adapter System for storage or processing.

3. Notification System (Notification):

  • Implements an Observer pattern to manage notifications related to new patients (NewPatient). It communicates with the Database Adapter System for data storage and retrieval. Notifications are sent to users (e.g., patients, medical staff) regarding the triage results and other updates.

4. Database Adapter System (DatabaseAdapterSys):

  • Acts as the intermediary between the system and the external AWS Database. It implements an adapter pattern to facilitate secure access to the database and ensures that data from other components (such as patient information and prescriptions) is stored or retrieved appropriately.
  • It connects to the AWS Database for persistent data storage and access.

5. User Role System (RoleSystem):

  • Manages different roles (e.g., Patient, Emergency Department, Clinic, Nurse, Chemist, Admin) and the specific permissions or actions associated with each role. This system interacts with the Symptom Evaluation System to handle user-specific actions and processes.

6. External System:

  • The AWS Database is an external system that stores and retrieves data through the Database Adapter System. It ensures secure and reliable database operations for the entire system.

Key Interactions and Relationships:

  • Symptom Evaluation System communicates with the Notification System to notify users (e.g., patients) of triage results and other updates.
  • Prescription Command System sends prescription data to the Database Adapter System, which ensures it is stored in the external AWS Database.
  • User Role System interfaces with the Symptom Evaluation System to handle user-specific functionality, ensuring that different user roles can access the relevant parts of the system.
  • Database Adapter System serves as the link between the internal system components and the external AWS Database, facilitating secure data storage and access.

Design Patterns:

  • Observer Pattern: Used in the Notification System for managing notifications related to new patients, ensuring that any changes or updates are promptly communicated to the appropriate stakeholders.
  • Adapter Pattern: Implemented in the Database Adapter System to provide secure access to the external AWS Database, abstracting the complexity of database interactions and ensuring the system components can interact seamlessly with the database.

Important Notes:

  • The Observer Pattern in the Notification System ensures that notifications are sent to all registered observers (e.g., medical staff) when a new patient is registered or when there are updates related to patient care.
  • The Adapter Pattern in the Database Adapter System simplifies communication between the internal components and the external AWS Database, promoting security and efficiency in data access.