jQuery Cheat Sheet as Tables - SEIR-59/course-wiki GitHub Wiki

jQuery Cheat Sheet as Tables

A Cheatsheet of common jQuery methods, continue exploring all the methods and all their details at https://jquery.com/


  • $div, $img , $input, $h1 - are variable names for jQuery elements - a div, an image and an input, h1 respectively it is expected that these elements were queried and saved to these variable names and unless stated otherwise, there is only one of them
  • $li is another example - but in this case it is expected there are multiple lis on the page
  • jQuery has getters and setters - some methods are the same. If there is no value passed into the function ie. $h1.text() - it will get the text of the h1 element. If a value is passed in, then it will set the value .text('hello')
  • jQuery can get single elements or it can get collections of elements if there is more than one

Document Ready/ Window.onload

$( () => {
  //jQuery code goes here


jQuery Command What it does
$('<div>') creates a new div
$div.clone() clones the div (makes a copy)


jQuery Command What it does
$('div') queries for all div elements
$('#container') queries for the element with an id of container
$('.card') queries for the elements with a class of card
$div.children() queries for the children of $div
$div.parent() queries for the parent of $div
$input.val() get the value inside an input field
$h1.text() get the text inside an h1
$div.html() get the html inside a div
$li.eq(indexNum) get the indexNum li - jQuery returns a collection which is array-like, but not an array. To use jQuery methods, you must use .eq() to access these items as jQuery objects

Set Attributes

jQuery Command What it does
$div.attr('id', 'idName') adds an id of idName to the div
$img.attr('src', 'urlToImage') adds a src of urlToImage to link to an image somewhere on the web start with http... for an image in your project, use a relative url
$img.attr('alt', 'some description') adds a alt of some description
$div.addClass('className') adds a class of className to the div or divs
$input.val('hello') set the value inside an input field
$h1.text('hello') set the text inside an h1
$div.html('<p>hello</p>') set the html inside a div
$h1.css('color', 'orchid') set the text color to orchid


jQuery Command What it does
$('body').append($div) appends a div to the body as the last item inside the body
$('body').prepend($div) appends a div to the body as the first item inside the body
$($div).appendTo('body') appends a div to the body as the last item inside the body


jQuery Command What it does
$div.removeClass('someClass') remove the class someClass from a div
$('body').remove() remove the body (and all its content) from the DOM completely
$('body').detatch() remove the body from its location but stores the data and events associated with it
$('body').hide() leaves the element in place, but sets its css display to none
$('body').empty() leaves the body in place but empties all the children of the body
$div.removeAttr('id') remove the attribute of id from a div

Listening and Handling

jQuery Command What it does
$div.on('click' , () => {}) set an event listener on click, anonymous function
$div.on('hover' , some function) set an event listener on hover with a reference to a function
event.target gets the target(element) of the event that is being listened to. This bubbles and can target any elements inside the targetted element
event.currentTarget gets the current target element, is the equivalent of jQuery this most of the time
$(this) older method to get the current target element, typically does not work as expected with arrow functions
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