New Computer Setup - SEIR-59/course-wiki GitHub Wiki

New Computer Setup for a Mac


  • Zoom
  • Slack - Desktop version highly recommended
  • VSCode - Text editor
  • node.js - version LTS or Current is fine
    • NPM comes with node.js installation
  • Configure Git
    • Git should be preinstalled but may need to run x-code to accept license terms
  • Homebrew
    • Use Homebrew to Install Mongo (see details below)
  • Install nodemon: npm install -g nodemon (might need to do sudo npm install -g nodemon and enter your computer password when prompted)
  • Postman
  • Ruby/Rails/Postgres (you will not need these until unit 4)

Install Mongo

Created: Matt Huntington
Updated: Thom Page

Install with Homebrew

*Check if homebrew is installed: brew

* If not, install [Homebrew](
* If brew is already installed `brew upgrade`.

*Install Mongodb on Mac OS X: brew install mongodb

Set data location

In terminal type mongod to run the mongo server.

You will probably get an error saying

"Data directory /data/db not found., terminating" - if so, you will need to make the directories in your root directory as follows (do these commands anywhere):

*Create data directories (at the root level) * sudo mkdir /data * sudo mkdir /data/db

*Next, set root permissions * sudo chmod -R 777 /data

Run the mongo server again: mongod.

Should see: "waiting for connections on port 27017"

Open and close mongo

*Open another terminal tab cmd + T and type mongo

*To quit mongo, type exit or quit().

*To quit mongod hit control+c



If at some point you get an error with mongod: -A | grep mongod

  1. find the line that just mentions mongod, but not grep
  2. take note of the number on the left
  3. type kill 1774 or whatever that number is. Try mongod again.
  4. If that doesn't work, go to /data/db and rm mongod.lock. Try mongod again.

Install Ruby and Rails

⚠ Uninstall rvm

If you have RVM already set up you will need to decide whether you want to continue using RVM or if you'd prefer to switch to rbenv. We won't be supporting RVM.

To check if you have RVM installed simply run the command rvm. If it is not intalled you'll see the message command not found: rvm

To uninstall follow these instructions: uninstall rvm

RVM and RBENV do NOT work well together, so having both installed will cause weirdness .


  1. See if brew is already installed (type brew and hit enter to see if it is). You should get a message about example usage, etc.

  2. If you haven't install Homebrew, do so by going to

    • copy and paste this into the terminal /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL" and hit return
  3. If brew is installed, run brew upgrade to upgrade to the latest version of homebrew

    • Might take a while, might upgrade stuff for postgres, node, heroku, etc.
  4. Run brew update to update the list of installable programs by homebrew

    • Might say Already up-to-date

Install rbenv

rbenv is a version manager for Ruby. We don't want to use our system Ruby because we can mess with it. Instead, let's get an up to date version of Ruby that is safe to mess with.

  1. Check if rbenv already installed: rbenv
  2. If already exists, upgrade with brew upgrade rbenv ruby-build


  1. $ brew install rbenv ruby-build

View Possible Ruby Versions

See which versions of Ruby you can download

  1. $ rbenv install --list

There will be stuff like rbx and jruby, we are only interested in the ones that start with numbers.

Install Latest Ruby

Install the latest version of Ruby

Get the version of Ruby before -dev

  1. $ rbenv install 2.4.3
  • There is no way within rbenv just to get the latest stable version
  • You must install Ruby 2.2.2 or greater for Rails 5.
  • Install might take a long time -- Terminal could just look like it's hanging

ruby-build: use readline from homebrew

Installed ruby-2.4.3 to /usr/local/var/rbenv/versions/2.4.3

View Installed Versions of Ruby

  1. Run rbenv versions

  • system is your system Ruby
  • asterisk is next to the version that you are using

View Currently Running Version of Ruby

  1. Run rbenv version

Switch RBENV to a different Version of Ruby

  1. $ rbenv global 2.4.3
    • Check with rbenv versions. Asterisk should be next to 2.4.3
  2. $ rbenv rehash to tell computer we've switch versions of ruby
    • Confirm switch again with rbenv versions * 2.4.3


Update Environment to use new Ruby

  1. Run ruby -v and confirm ruby version now in use by the system is 2.4.3p111 or somesuch


  1. $ echo 'eval "$(rbenv init -)"' >> ~/.bash_profile
    • (replace .bash_profile with .zshrc if you're using zsh)
  2. $ echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
    • (replace .bash_profile with .zshrc if you're using zsh)
  3. Run ruby -v and confirm ruby version now in use by the system is 2.4.3p301 or somesuch

Install a gem

Gems are like NPM packages for Ruby, but they're installed globally, as opposed to multiple times for each application that you build

  1. List gems with gem list
  2. Run gem install pry to install a gem called pry. It's a ruby REPL command
  3. Run rbenv rehash to tell computer we've installed a new gem
  4. List gems with gem list look for pry
  5. Rub pry to start pry command
  6. Inside pry type 2 + 2
  7. If that works, type quit

Note: Might need to update the gem manager with gem update --system

Install Rails 5.2 beta

  1. Run gem install rails --pre to install the rails commands
  2. rbenv rehash
  3. rails -v

Note: if Rails already installed, might need to run bundle update rails

Test Rails

  1. Run rails new blog to create a new app
  2. cd blog
  3. Run rails s to start the server
  4. Go to http://localhost:3000

Install Postres ( and test with Rails)

Install and run it.

Install the pg gem

From the terminal, install the pg gem. This is a little irregular for a gem install.

  • sudo ARCHFLAGS="-arch x86_64" gem install pg -- --with-pg-config=/Applications/

GNU/Linux Postgres Install Instructions

You'll need to use your package manager (apt or similar) to install postgres. This might be something like apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib.

Your distribution will vary. Untested instructions for Ubuntu 14.x here.

Make sure you do the appropriate actions in your distro to make Postgres start on boot time.

At the end, do gem install pg, which will hopefully just work out of the box.

BOTH: Test Rails with Postgres

You'll learn later what all these commands do. For the moment, don't worry about them and just see if there's an error.

  1. Run rails new postapp --database=postgresql --api --skip-git to create a new app that uses Postgres and skips git init.
  2. cd postapp
  3. rails g scaffold Post title body:text 1 rake db:create db:migrate
  4. Run rails s to start the server, browse to http://localhost:3000/posts, and you should seen an empty array on screen.
  5. Alternately run curl http://localhost:3000/posts, which will also return []

Additional resources

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