HTML and CSS Review Videos - SEIR-59/course-wiki GitHub Wiki
Most of these awesome videos are made by Matt Huntington, and Instructor at GA
HTML (~14.5 minutes)
- Explain what HTML Stand for and how it Differs from Regular Text
- Explain what a tag is, what it does, and its advantages/disatvanges
- List some Common HTML tags
- Explain what content is and give some examples
- Explain what attributes are and give some examples
- Explain what Semantic HTML means
HTML (~16.5 minutes)
Learn how to insert the following elements into a web page
- header
- footer
- main
- navigation
- lists
- aside
- article
- section
Learn how to insert the following media into a web page
- images
- audio
- video
CSS - Intro and Basics
Introduction to CSS (~ 5 minutes)
- What does CSS stand for
- Create a CSS file and include it in our HTML
- What are the different elements of a CSS rule
CSS - Colors, Backgrounds, and Font Basics (~ 11 minutes)
- How to change an element’s color (name/values)
- How to change an element’s background (color/image)
- How to change an element’s font-size
- How to change an element’s font-family
- How to change an element’s font-weight
- How to align an element’s text horizontally
CSS - Selection (~ 17 minutes)
- How do we target multiple selectors
- What are Ancestors/Descendants and how do we select them?
- What are IDs/Classes? How do they differ and how do we select them?
- How do we combine tag name, id and classes in CSS selectors
- tags with class
- id with class
- multiple classes
- tag with id
CSS - Layout
CSS - Box Model (~ 7.5 minutes)
- What is the box model?
- Height/Width
- Padding
- Border
- Margin
- Box-Sizing : border-box (explore further)
CSS - Display ( ~ 6.5 minutes)
- What are display properties for HTML elements?
- block
- inline
- inline-block
- none (explore further)
CSS - Positioning (~ 12 minutes)
- What are the ways to position HTML elements?
- static
- relative
- absolute
- fixed
CSS - Units of Measure Part 1 (~ 10.5 minutes)
- px
- em
- rem
- %
CSS - Viewport Units of Measure (~ 8.5 minutes)
- How do viewport units of measure work?
- What are the different types of viewport units of measure
- When are viewport units of measure useful?
CSS - Units of Measure Part 2 ( ~ 14.5 minutes)
- what is fluid layout
- when do we use each unit of measure
Advanced Inline Layout
CSS - Floats (~ 9 minutes)
- How to float text around an element
- Using float as an alternative to inline-block ( legacy - once industry standard, may see it a lot, but there are more modern ways since the end of IE (January 2016)
CSS - Calc ( ~ 7 minutes)
- How do we combine percents with fixed values?
CSS - Advanced Selectors
CSS - Pseudo Selectors Links ( ~ 5 minutes)
- :hover
- :active
- :focus
- :visited
CSS - Pseudo Selectors Children ( ~ 4 minutes)
- :first-child
- :first-of-type
- :last-child
- :last-of-type
CSS - Pseudo Selectors Nth Child (~ 3.5 minutes)
- :nth-child()
- :nth-of-type()
- :nth-last-child()
- :nth-last-of-type()
CSS - Pseudo Selectors Only and Not ( ~ 5 minutes)
- :only-child
- :only-of-type
- :not()
CSS - Family Selectors ( ~ 10 min minutes)
- wild card selector
- child selector
- next adjacent sibling
- any future sibling
CSS - Attribute Selectors ( ~ 7 minutes)
- does the attribute exist?
- test exact match
- test beginning of attribute value
- test end of attribute value
- test a substring
- test an exact word separated by a space
- test the start of a hyphenated word
CSS - Responsive Design
CSS - Intro to Responsive Design ( ~7.5 minutes)
- explain responsiveness and why we need it
CSS - Mobile First Design ( ~ 10.5 minutes ) --
- using min/max-width/height
- start by developing mobile and moving upward
- avoid desktop to mobile
CSS - Media Queries ( ~ 9 minutes)
- what are media queries?
- how to use them?
HTML - Forms ( ~ 18 minutes)
- list form tags and their attributes
CSS - Fonts Intro ( ~ 9 minutes )
- how to include font files
- Using online fonts
CSS - Sprites (~ 10.5 minutes)
CSS - Icon Fonts Part 1 ( ~8 minutes)
CSS - Icon Fonts Part 2 ( ~ 9 minutes)
CSS - SVG ( ~ 6 minutes)
Motion, Transform, and Animations
CSS - Transform (~ 8.5 minutes)
- Rotate
- Translate
- Scale
- Skew
- Translate 3D
- Matrix
- Matrix 3D
CSS - Motion: Transitions ( ~ 9 minutes)
- What is a keyframe?
- What is tweeting?
- How do we specify transitions in CSS?
- What is an easing function?
CSS - Motion: Animations ( ~ 5 minutes)
- How to create and name an animation
- Using an animation
- Animation direction
- Animation iteration Count
CSS - Design Tips ( ~ 16.5 minutes)
- Explain graceful degradation and progressive enhancement
- Measuring space in mockups
- white space
- tips for working with a designer
- trying to think like an interactive designer
Flex Boxes
CSS - Intro to flex box ( ~ 8 minutes)
- Diagram of Flexbox
- Properties of a flex container
- properties of flex items
CSS - Flexbox : wrap, justify, align(~ 12 minutes)
- about Flex Boxes:
- wrap
- justify
- align content
CSS - Flexbox: Child property( ~ 8 minutes)
Recommended Projects
These projects will help you learn to master CSS!
We have specific activities and example web pages for you to try to build one or more, using ONLY Javascript, HTML, and CSS. No libraries... build it from scratch :)
Labs 1-2 hours each:
- [Layout](Additional CSS/0c. Layout/student_labs/
- [Advanced Inline Layout](Additional CSS/1. Advanced Inline Layout/student_labs/
- [Flex lab](Additional CSS/5. Flex Boxes/student_labs/
- [Motion Transform Design](Additional CSS/4. Motion, Transform, and Design/student_labs/
Build Your Own Version:
- Infinite loop carousel like the main image on
- note that when you reach the last item, you can continue to the right and it starts again from the beginning
- Mobile Nav like on
- make the width of the browser thin, to see how the main page slides away
- Lightbox like on
- when you click on a thumbnail, a large version of the image appears with transitions
- Sticky Nav Bar like on
- when you scroll down, a smaller version of the nav stays with you as you scroll
- Drag and Drop Functionality like on
- drag an element onto a container and have it snap into place
- Infinite Scroll like on
- as you reach the bottom of the page, more content appears
- Snapping Scroll like on
- scrolling will take you to the next/previous slide
- Drop downs for navigation like on
- when hovering over an item in the main nav, a drop down appears with more navigation links to sub topics of that main nav item
- Tooltips like on
- when hovering over an item, a little blurb appears with a description about that item. The blurb can optionally follow the cursor around as long as the cursor is within that main item
- Mouse effects like on
- have an element follow your cursor
- Scroll Spy like on
- as you scroll down, a different element in the nav gets highlighted
- Accordion like on
- clicking on one element closes any other open element
- Sortable like on
- you can drag elements and reorder them
- Auto complete like on
- typing in an input will suggest words
- Paralax
- Correcting Scroll
- Go through and build a module you find there
- Find a design you like on Pinterest and build it
- Create a mockup for a designer you know