Environment setup - SE701Group2/daily-focus GitHub Wiki


  • Install node.js from https://nodejs.org/en/.
  • Please install npm version 6: npm install -g [email protected] (npm version 7 handles peer dependencies in a way that is incompatible with our testing libraries)
  • Fork this repository and clone the forked repository to create your local git repository, more details are in the Forking page.
  • Open the command-line interface and type cd path_to_client_folderto go inside the client folder (or you can open the command-line interface in the client folder), then run npm install to install the dependencies.
  • Run npm start, and you should be able to see a new page opening in your browser.


  • Install node.js from https://nodejs.org/en/.
  • Fork this repository and clone the forked repository to create your local git repository, more details are in the Forking page.
  • Open the command-line interface and type cd path_to_server_folder to go inside the server folder (or you can open the command-line interface in the server folder), then run npm install to install the dependencies.
  • Run npm start to run the server.


  • Install Firebase by running npm install -g firebase-tools.
  • Login to Firebase with firebase login.

You will need to login with an email that has access to the following firebase console (https://console.firebase.google.com/u/2/project/daily-focus-a7423/overview).

Requesting access to the Firebase console

To request access to the firebase console you must first create a Github issue, with the label 'firebase-access', using the following template:

Developer Story
As a developer, I want access to the firebase console (https://console.firebase.google.com/u/2/project/daily-focus-a7423/overview), used by the server in order to run and modify the server.

Acceptance Criteria
I should be added as a member in https://console.firebase.google.com/u/2/project/daily-focus-a7423/settings/iam

Then assign this issue to yourself and a contributor who already has access to the firebase console.