2021 03 12 Full Team Meeting - SE701Group2/daily-focus GitHub Wiki
Present: Everyone except
Apologies: Michael Pham
- Group Update
- See past project examples and the standard of documentation (thanks Di Kun)
- https://github.com/softeng-701-group-5/softeng-701-assignment-1
- https://github.com/SE701ProjectGroup4/git-brunching
- Create a set of issues for documentation and allocate to everyone in the team (done by Di Kun)
- Discuss headings in Wiki
- Wiki Headings (See Image)
Meeting Minutes
In summary, go over the design of the website in the Figma.com -->See that
App called Focus
When log in...there is no widget initially
Profile: Change password, etc…
Set up React App
Allocate people to work on each widget.
Start with home page, implementing on and off widgets, working with back-end of it.
Single widget will have react component.
Create API, passed the parameters from the front end.
Game part: You will need to talk to Backend to make the game. Backend will get back to us after they have their discussion on their progress.
Integration: Google Authentication- no need to have Google account, just need username and password.
If we want to import Google calendar→ not too sure how to get client id to share calendar. Michael and Daniel decided to go with making non-google calendar.
Security: Not really important→ refer to objective of project. We can discuss that later if we have time.
Point of project: How do we manage ourselves in large group
In terms of scope: Contributing guidelines→ how to file bug report, how to file issue requisition, how to run test, how to raise PR etc…. Lots of documentation to do to ensure people can follow.
Everyone thing we do, attached to issue. Can’t make pull request with out an issue.
New issues→ Apporval process. It needs to be approval before issue can begin. → needs a thumb up like approval. → refer to assignment brief.
Wiki- lots of details about architectures, what widget stuff, team meeting. See the website that Di Kun put in the chat. ……
Action for now: Stop coding, set up documentation, guidelines, wiki, PR template, code of conduct, issue template and issue approval process.
Roles to sort out all documentation:
Environment setup Front: Jigao Back: Joel
Coding conventions (incl commenting) Front: Tommy Back: Vishnu
Issues Denise
Forking Jonathan
Pull Request Steven
Code of Conduct Di Kun
Architecture Front: each component creator Back: Jenna Future work: TBD
Design Design System: Hendy & Dikun Hi-Fi prototype: All
Frontend: Kenneth
Backend: Pranavan
Example test case (and test naming conventions) for front end team: Denise.
Deadline for all documentation- By this upcoming Monday: Our next meeting.