2021 03 10 Frontend Meeting - SE701Group2/daily-focus GitHub Wiki
Present: everyone except
Absent: Gang Gao
- Quick reminder about the fork whatever workflow https://medium.com/@topspinj/how-to-git-rebase-into-a-forked-repo-c9f05e821c8a
Figma designs https://www.figma.com/file/J2DDVa9redQigCzTee56xw/SE701-Daily-Focus?node-id=0%3A1
- Design team has gone away separately to design the individual widget components
- Find the person that is working on your component if you want them to hurry up with the design lol * Steven: to-do list, covid summary * Hendy P: timer * Charlie: weather * Di Kun: calendar, stocks
- Sannan - material UI or Bootstrap?
- Page elements that aren’t widgets:
- Header
- Body
- Login page (need to collaborate with backend for how this integrates with google authentication)
- Who is going to work on these
- API endpoints we need
- Do we have any backend people present?
- Otherwise let’s just make a list
Sannan: Material UI. PR soon.
API Endpoints
- ToDo List
- Create item
- Get items
- Delete item
- Update item
- Toggling done/not done
- Update content
- Firebase project for login