2021 03 09 Backend Meeting - SE701Group2/daily-focus GitHub Wiki
Present: Jenna, Pranavan, Joel, Raymond, Jonathan
- Decide on technologies - Java or NodeJS
- OAuth2
- Delegate work
- Database selection
- Firebase
- MongoDB
Meeting Minutes:
- Log in through google account - OAuth2
- Google Calender
- To-do List
- Database: Firebase
- Selected NodeJS - With Express Framework
- Research databases
- How o-Auth would work - Jenna, Pranavan
- Meet up with front-end to see what they envision
- Are personalization settings (e,g turning off or on widgets) stored in the database
- Question:
- What API endpoints needed
- Figure out what design team wants - clarify google log in
- Set up NodeJS server repo on github - Raymond
- Double-check server is correctly set-up - Vishnu or Rui