Weekly Tasks - SE-TINF22B6/CookHub GitHub Wiki

Weekly submission and peer reviews

↻ Report your team’s weekly progress in discussion as a blog post
Blog post contains: description of what you have learned in this week, and links to your project artifacts, such as UML drawing, use case description, burndown chart, Kanban board, etc.

↻ Comment at least 2 other teams blog posts
Comment contains: feedback on their blog posts.

Week 1

• ✅ Setup Team
• ✅ Agree on your project idea and tech-stack
• ✅ Explain your idea to instructor to get GitHub space
• ✅ Send project name & members to instructor
• ✅ Book e-Portfolio topic

Week 2

A. Agree on your project rules
• ✅ Sprint length = two weeks
• ✅ When/how long is your sprint meeting? {review + retrospective + plan} = {20, 15, 90}
• ✅ How often is your daily? = On demand in addition to weekly

B. Setup and get familiar with your Scrum platform
• Initialize your project in GitHub: x Define sprints, Define categories, requirement analysis, x design, implementation, environment setup, documentation
• Create issue templates: Epic & User Story & Tasks, Setup Backlog & view headers, setup fo report your hours by time spent per person & hours by time spent per category, Fill in your backlog (At least 3 realistic epics per team) & (At least 5 realistic user stories per team) & (At least 10 tasks per team), mark categories, assign each task to a team member, define criteria

C. Run the first Sprint meeting
• What to be done in your first Sprint
• ✅ Define your sprint backlog
• Everyone pulls own tasks in the first sprint in Kanban (Todo column), setup API development environment

E. Report progress in your blog
This week’s report/blog should cover:

  1. Introduction of your team, including the major role(s) for each team member. Example (not necessary to be a table):
  2. Vision of your project
  3. Techniques/platforms plan to be used
  4. Scrum setup: platform to use, Sprint length, etc.
  5. Sprint 1 backlog
  6. Post a screenshot of your Kanban

F. Review two other blogs

• Provide comments to those two blogs

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