Discussion Draft - SE-TINF22B6/CookHub GitHub Wiki

Hello backpackers,

This is our final report including all links to file- and information locations.


We have plenty more information about this project and our team in our wiki.


βœ… Several fixes on pages

βœ… Implementation of the rest of the functionalities (Save button, LogOut button, Submit button

βœ… Endpoint of visited recipes is now connected

βœ… Added disclaimer for AI generation usage

βœ… Updated info- and confirmation popups

βœ… Styled the adeventurize dialog

βœ… Implemented delete recipe functionality

βœ… Implemented section for liked recipes

βœ… SignUp page responsive fix

βœ… Own- , Liked- and History of Recipes are now being shown in profile


βœ… Fixed delete recipe bug

βœ… Implemented delete recipe functionality

βœ… Better recipe creation validation


βœ… You can find our handout and power point presentation in Project_Doc/Presentation/.


βœ… Here you can find all project documents.


Class diagram & design patterns

βœ… In our wiki you can find the class diagram with corresponding descriptions and applied design patterns. Furthermore you can take a look on the UML Diagram.

Semester 3 Recap

Our mid term conlusion you can find here.

Semester 4 Recap

πŸ”— Week 1

  • We improved our database schema in the backend
  • Our very competent backend team accomplished the impossible by creating endpoints for recipes.
  • It is possible to send requests to the backend enpoints for recipes

πŸ”— Week 2

  • Implemented a search bar which shows all recipes from database and if there are already adventurized versions of recipe available.
  • API call inculding recipe and predefined prompt is working (answer will not be saved yet).
  • Bug fixing: Lazy loading and UI bugs

πŸ”— Week 3

  • Stored the API key into a config file to be ignored by git to avoid exposing sensitive data
  • Improved recipe API search function
  • Added API endpoint for the returning of the top n recipes (e.g. recommendations)
  • Redesign of the page to improve user experience and usage
  • Replaced slider with a radio button group to select recipe difficulty
  • Replaced star rating with a toggleable heart-button
  • Implemented a table to show different adventurerized versions of a recipe
  • More bug fixing in frontend

πŸ”— Week 4

  • Updated prompt for ChatGPT to adventurize recipes to version 1.0
  • Created recipe base data for the CookHub recipe catalog
  • Bugfixing in backend: saving database entities, improved serialization for API endpoint results
  • Planning of tests and demo
  • Started team building activities

πŸ”— Week 5

  • redesigned the FoodForge page
  • implemented a component which opens a dialog popup with Carlos providing additional information/instruction to the current webpage or its functionality
  • Created Settings Page which will allow the user to make changes of his username, password and profile picture and to delete his account in the future
  • Reworked Profile Page which is planed to show specific user information, recipe favourites, own recipes and recipe history
  • Small design changes on NavBar to increase contrast and visibilty
  • BugFixed Login Page by removing Material UI components and restructured with vanilla HTML and CSS
  • We setup Selenium WebDriver for automated browser testing. Also see our testing page in our wiki
  • Implemented backend logic for login and authentication functionality
  • Small changes on database mappings to improve performance
  • Team building

πŸ”— Week 6

  • Implemented login functionality
  • Fixed misplaced speech bubble of Carlos in the login- and landing page
  • Implemented a Help button and SpeechBubble in Food Forge
  • Replaced static logo in the NavBar with a funky .gif
  • Redesigned NavBar because CookPit didn't like it
  • LEN wrote thousands of millions of API tests with xUnit.NET
  • Adventurized texts are now saveable in the database
  • Created classes for database entities which only include attributes relevant for the frontend
  • Fixed bug preventing creation of recipes
  • Planned about our metrics: Google Lighthouse, DotCover and NDepend
  • Web Application Monitoring Tools Presentation
  • Team building

πŸ”— Week 7

  • Fixed some automated redirections from specific pages
  • Made NavBar responsive to switch to mobile view when width < 1100px
  • Reworked several pages to be responsive for PC, Tablet and Mobile: Landing page, Login page, Impressum and AboutUs
  • Adjustments to Carlos_PopUp helper button
  • Fixed a bug which prevented the user to log out
  • Fixed a bug where adventure texts could not be saved in the database
  • We spend some time checking the code to clean it up
  • Team building

πŸ”— Week 8

  • Finished liking a recipe functionality
  • Connected endpoint to change username
  • Made the pages responsive: Settings, Profile, FindRecipe and MyRecipes
  • Done Requests for Account Settings Page: change userName, change password, delete Account and change ProfilePicture
  • Some Backend Refactoring
  • Created ViewRecipe Endpoints
  • Created tests for new Account Requests (xUnit .NET)
  • Marc wrote hundreds of millions of Selenium tests
  • Had our team retroperspective
  • Team building, pair programming

Team Building

< Hier kΓΆnnte ihr Meme stehen >

See you next time!

Your Team