Tutorials - SCECcode/ucvm_docker GitHub Wiki
To use the basin_query command line paramter in the docker image, users can create an input file with points of interest. Note in this case, the input file has only long lat, and does not include depth value, since basin_query will search through a vertical profile
create testpts.txt with these two lines in it:
-118.48 34.29 -118.44 34.32
Then run basin_query, pointing it to a ucvm.conf file in /app/ucvm/conf
$ basin_query -f /app/ucvm/conf/ucvm.conf -m cvmsi -v 2500 -d 6000 -i 10 < testpts.txt
Results for this query are:
-118.4800 34.2900 3780.000 3780.000 3780.000 -118.4400 34.3200 4310.000 4310.000 4310.000
For other example of how to run UCVM, please see the UCVM Wiki Documentation.