ucvm_conf - SCECcode/ucvm GitHub Wiki

UCVM Configuration File

When ucvm_query commands typically require a path to a UCVM configuration file called ucvm.conf. (e.g. ucvm_query -f /home/ucvm/conf/ucvm.conf

A reference to this file is required because the contents of this file control the behavior of certain models. This file contains a path to the installation directory, and also lists the models that are installed in the current ucvm.

This file also contains flags for selected UCVM velocity models including CVM-H.

# UCVM Config file 
# Updated July 2022
# UCVM install path. Updated by install script to point to
# installation directory
# Path to default California statewide topgraphy and Vs30 etree
# Path to Utah topgraphy and Vs30 etree
# Standard California Velocity Models Registered into UCVM
# SCEC CVM-H v15.1 (aka CVM-H) 
# USGS Bay Area high-rez and extended etrees v08.3.0 (aka Cencal)
# UCVM defines two different 1D model
# 1d = modified (higher resolution, more layers) hadley-kanamori model
# bbp1d = 1D Los Angeles Basin model used in SCEC Broadband Platform
# The entries above are updated by the install script.
# The entries below are manually updated by the user, as needed.
# CVM-H model flags
# The model defaults are:
# No 1D background model
# No GTL added
# CVM_H Param Syntax examples:
# cvmh_param=USE_1D_BKG,False
# cvmh_param=USE_GTL,False
# cvmh_param=USE_1D_BKG,True
# cvmh_param=USE_GTL,True

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