Vidal Meeting Notes - SCCapstone/teamMuseumKiosk GitHub Wiki
Apr 19, 2019
Did not attend:
- Jacob Cox @jcox94
- Lauren Nix @lcarrnix
- Nicholas Gause @nickgause
Working on fixing open Issues.
Apr 5, 2019
Did not attend:
- Lauren Nix @lcarrnix
- advertisements
- admin can add questions with images
- working on video
Mar 29, 2019
RC1 Issues approved:
#102 Create Edit and Delete Question options for Admin
#100 Add Question window needs to check for empty input
#99 Question editor improvement
#95 Add splash screen advertisements
#94 Replaces textboxes with dropdowns on question editor
#93 Play Again? but user cannot say Yes
#92 No high scores screen
#91 Email check is too restrictive
#90 New questions added do not show in quiz
#89 Provide feedback after user submits question. Add Cancel button.
#88 Setup tab key focus
#87 No popup windows. Use only one window.
#86 Show user error message when csv file is not there
#84 Create UI scroll feature of current high scores
#83 Add "slideshow" feature of advertisements as background elements to the Splash screen
#81 Create more "visually loud" UI elements to represent strike system
#80 Create admin login screen before entering admin menu pages
#37 Add audio and video capabilities to questions
#23 Design and implement splash screen
Mar 22, 2019
Did not attend:
- Phoebe Ngo @phoebeanh
- Lauren Nix @lcarrnix
- Move all open Issues to RC1
- Add "bonus" feature to RC1 (maybe improvements on question editor)
- Once you have all your RC1 issues set, then @-mention me so I can approve them.
For next meeting:
- demo
Mar 1, 2019
Did not attend:
Met with client, wants:
- splash screen with advertisements
- admin screen with login/password
- delete questions
Beta features implemented 👍
Feb 15, 2019
Did not attend:
- Jacob Cox @jcox94
- Phoebe Ngo @phoebeanh
- Lauren Nix @lcarrnix
No demo.
- Explain (in the Issues themselved): UI issues more: what Updates will be done
- Explain: user can add new questions from Adming UI, or edit .csv file
Add Animations and other things to make it fun to use, especially for RC1.
Beta Issues approved:
#72 Update UI for Main Page
#71 Update UI designs for end page
#69 Update UI Design for Questions page
#67 Set up high score display
#66 Implement question difficulty score
#52 UI design for Admin page
#37 Add audio and video capabilities to questions
#23 Design and implement idle screen
#17 System can display advertisements uploaded by client
For next meeting:
- demo
Feb 1, 2019
Look into TestFX/TestFX: Simple and clean testing for JavaFX.
For next meeting:
- Add Beta Issues
- demo
Dec 3, 2018
Demo: Seems to do everything except show images and load from file.
Looks good otherwise.
Nov 12, 2018
Did not attend.
Read about Consider creating a settings.gradle file and using it to compile your code. For next semester.
I added #47
Demo: Login screen comes up. Asks the user multiple choice questions. User can answer. Check answers. 👍
Oct 29, 2018
Chose style guide.
Met with client. Showed them the design. The client liked the design, will be sending colors #36 .
POC issues approved. I assume these include video, images, and audio in some form:
#38 Display one picture question
#25 Design and implement admin screen
#24 Design and implement end screen
#23 Design and implement idle screen
#22 Design and implement trivia screen
#21 Design and implement enter initials/email screen
#20 Design and implement start screen
#19 System runs offline
#18 Client can preload questions and advertisements into the system.
#17 System can display advertisements uploaded by client
#16 User can complete a game
#15 Client can collect emails from the system.
#14 User is required to enter initials and email to start game
For next meeting:
- start coding
- demo
Oct 15, 2018
Did not attend:
- Phoebe Ngo @phoebeanh
Will be building a desktop app with javaFX. intellij. Will be running on some machine connected to a big monitor.
App is using the mouse API. Windows translates touches to mouse x,y.
Send Design to client. Get feedback.
For next meeting:
- Send Design and Requirements to client. Get feedback.
- Start coding
Oct 1, 2018
Did not attend:
Met with client.
Maybe, will be building a native windows app, Visual Studio, C#. Team does not have a MS surface.
Need to make a decision on Android vs MS, ASAP 🔥 because you need to start learning your platform.
Show client your detailed design.
Will need to have more features for the final Requirements: photos, videos, animations, different types of questions.
For next meeting:
- Choose, and learn platform.
- get feedback on Design from client, sound?
Sep 17, 2018
USC optional day
Have not met with client.
This will be an Android app. Checkout Google Developers Training
For next meeting:
- Meet with client
- Learn Android
- Do Milestones, as usual
- Jacob Cox @jcox94
- Phoebe Ngo @phoebeanh
- Michael Cantwell @macsc97
- Lauren Nix @lcarrnix
- Nicholas Gause @nickgause