Caleb Log - SCCapstone/WorkAnyPlace GitHub Wiki

9/3 - I attended the team meeting and added log to wiki.

9/13 - Created a blank app and formed it to have the basic layout of our app in Ionic using angular. Uploaded src folder of app to GitHub. Added 6 user stories to the User Stories wiki.

9/20 - Created design layout for wallet page. Working on improving the design and other pages that link to the wallet page.

9/27 - Created the stats, account settings, rate user and view profile pages on Mockflow. I then uploaded these pages with descriptions to the github design wiki page.

10/4 - Created personal repo and started working on practice ionic app.

10/11 - Worked on research app. Added it to GitHub and then created a screen recording and uploaded it to youtube. The link is in the README in my personal repo. Link to personal repo: . Also, I added some detail to the requirements page.

10/18 - Added database schemas for User, Posted Jobs, and Accepted Jobs.

10/25 - Uploaded code to GitHub and made multiple commits.

11/9 - Setup google account that will be used for Firebase. Connected Firebase to app and worked on login and signup page. Pushed new code to branch iss9 and will merge with master when login page and signup page are finished.

11/20 - Worked on login and signup. Login and signup page done with email and password.

11/27 - Added username and group to signup page. Had to connect the firestore to hold usernames and other related info to user. The last thing that has to be done to login and signup is show if username is taken or not. I pushed all this code to the iss9 repo with message "almost complete".

12/1 - Started connecting the jobs posted and my jobs to firebase.

12/3 - Finished adding the jobs posted and my jobs to firebase. Now a user can post a job to the database and refresh the page and see the job they posted and jobs that have been posted by other users. Also, you can accept a job and it will be added to your my jobs page and saved to the database. A user also has the ability to delete a job if it is their job posting. This was all pushed to the my-jobs branch and merged into master.

12/4 - Recorded PoC demo video

1/25/21 - Team meeting to discuss milestones.

1/26/21 - Worked with Brandon on the behavioral test using the Selenium IDE. Also, we worked on figuring out how to run the test from command line.

2/9/21 - Team meeting to assign beta issues. I was tasked with creating the cancel job function under the my jobs page and that is my goal for this week.

2/15/21 - Pushed code for cancel job button to branch cancel-job. Next, I need to improve the design and add the canceled jobs back to the jobs page.

2/18/21 - Added are you sure pop up box for cancel job button. Pushed code to cancel-job branch.

2/28/21 - For the beta release I : 1. synced up functions so it refreshes on its own 2. organized variables and functions 3. Added cancel job button. 4. Added profile pictures and synced it with firebase. 5. Made jobs-detail page that will show job details when you select a posted job and it will allow for you to accept or delete that job. 6. Set up a button that will allow user to change profile pic in settings

3/8/21 - Attended meeting where we assigned RC1 issues for the week.

4/4/21 - for RC1 milestone I have: default profile pic fix, added pic to stats, created update profile pic page, added ability to update account in account settings, added posted jobs to my jobs, bug fixes, completed bonus feature that allows users to add pictures to their posts when creating a post.

4/22/21 - I completed all my issues: Updating settings works now, Can only upload pictures instead of any file when posting pictures to jobs, UI fixed for posting pictures page, pictures added to the my jobs page. I also fixed the UI of my jobs page and created my jobs detail page. In the my jobs detail page a user can complete the selected job or cancel the selected job. I helped write text on the welcome screen as well.

4/25/21 - Helped fix ratings. Made it so user gets feedback and confirms when a job is completed. Created my posted jobs detail page and added delete button. Fixed bugs.

4/26/21 - Filmed final demo video.