Brandon Log - SCCapstone/WorkAnyPlace GitHub Wiki

CSCE 492

Week of 1/18

Organized and attended our weekly team meeting, discussed timeline of overall semester as well as what testing program we wanted to us for the upcoming milestone

Week of 1/25

Organized and attended our weekly team meeting, researched Selenium, worked with Caleb on the behavior test

Week of 2/8

Organized and attended our weekly team meeting, assigned Beta Issues to people

Week of 2/22

Worked on my assigned issues, added reset password feature

Week of 2/28

Worked on my assigned issues, fixed logout so it didn't autofill in login information upon logout, resized and reformatted job posts, did various other small additions, released Beta Release tag

Week of 3/7

Organized and attended our weekly team meeting, created new RC1 Release issues, assigned half of the issues out to be worked on

Week of 3/14

Organized and attended our weekly team meeting

Week of 3/21

Organized and attended our weekly team meeting, added icons to Stats page, worked on putting multiple columns of jobs on the Find Jobs and My Jobs pages

Week of 3/28

Organized and attended our weekly team meeting, completed adding multiple columns of jobs in the Find Jobs and My Jobs pages

Week of 4/4

Organized and attended our weekly team meeting, removed job description from Find Jobs page, added location to job posts, added ability to search by location, reformatted job cards, makes text color more readable on alerts, added ability to change password from account settings, tagged commit for RC1 Release

Week of 4/11

Organized and attended our weekly team meeting, fixed UI color contrast on user rating popup, changed Login and Create Job fillscreen buttons to not be fillscreen buttons, worked with team to come up with issues for the team we were reviewing for the Quality Assurance milestone, added labels and milestones to the issues assigned to us for the Quality Assurance milestone, removed useless Hours Worked metric, added parameter to price to set price range of $0.01-$999.99, added parameter to price to only accept valid prices (less than 3 decimal places)

Week of 4/18

Organized and attended our weekly team meeting, fixed back button routing on Change Profile Pic and Change Password Pages, fixed URLs to say page names instead of tab#, centered titles on pages that had uncentered titles, changed Create Account and Send Password Reset Link buttons to not be fillscreen buttons, created and routed Welcome page which served as the splash page for our webapp, worked with team to populate content on Welcome page

Week of 4/25

Added length parameters for job title, category, and description, set price range to $0.01-$9999.99, centered more uncentered page titles, added length parameters for the signup criteria of username, password, and skill, readded logout button to main tabs, added instructions for updating Account Settings, added ability to change password within the app instead of via reset password email, fixed no bottom tab after Welcome page bug, helped prepare Final Demo slides, recorded presentation of Final Demo Slides, added some comments to the code

CSCE 490

Week of 8/31

I organized our first team meeting, we had our first team meeting, added Project Organization Wiki page

Week of 9/7

Organized and attended our weekly team meeting, created Persona of Michael Pinto, start learning Angular

Week of 9/14

Organized and attended our weekly team meeting, watched Design Principles video, sketched up basic design idea for Messages and Conversation pages

Week of 9/21

Organized and attended our weekly team meeting, created Messages and Conversation pages in Mockflow, uploaded these into Design wiki

Week of 9/28

Organized and attended our weekly team meeting, watched Requirements video

Week of 10/5

Organized and attended our weekly team meeting, worked with team to come up with different app features for Requirements milestone, completed Research milestone sample app

Week of 10/12

Organized and attended our weekly team meeting, helped to add the Views for the Architecture milestone

Week of 10/19

Organized and attended our weekly team meeting, completed Source Control milestone

Week of 10/26

Organized and attended our weekly team meeting, discussed Ethical, Legal, and Security issues with team, wrote Ethical Issues wiki

Week of 11/2

Organized and attended our weekly team meeting, discussed goals and plan for the final milestone

Week of 11/9

Organized and attended our weekly team meeting, talked about first things to implement for our Proof of Concept

Week of 11/16

Organized and attended our weekly team meeting, discussed what we wanted each person to do for our Proof of Concept

Week of 11/30

Added My Jobs, Messages and Stats pages, routed My Jobs, Messages, and Stats pages, formatted top and bottom tabs, added and routed Logout button, helped other team members fix smaller issues