Davis Coffey Personal Log - SCCapstone/Seating-App GitHub Wiki

9/2/2018 - Nothing

9/9/2018 - Met with team on Wednesday night to discuss ideas. Watched lecture videos.

9/16/2018 - Had first meeting with Dr. Vidal over email. Watched lecture videos and studied Angular development.

9/23/2018 - Watched lecture videos and worked on design ideas.

9/30/2018 - Met with team and worked on cohesive design. Used Draw.io to create screens. Watched lecture videos.

10/7/2018 - Downloaded angular and began working through tutorial. Watched lecture videos. Continued to discuss design with team.

10/14/2018 - Worked on building simple app using MEAN stack for M3. Followed a tutorial. Link to repo -> https://github.com/SCCapstone/m3-DavisCoffey199

10/21/2018 - Discussed architecture and database schema with team. Watched lecture videos

10/28/2018 - Integrated git with Visual Studio Code on my laptop. Completed Source Control milestone.

11/4/2018 - Nothing

11/11/2018 - Discussed which features to begin implementing with team. Focusing on setting up login screen since it is the highest priority.

11/18/2018 - Added pagination functionality to the app.

11/25/2018 - Studied angular and js, specifically in regards to error handling. Reviewed different Git commands.

12/2/2018 - Created dcoffey branch. Worked to fix github issues. Fixed error with installing dependencies on my laptop.

12/9/2018 - Added a lot of functionality to the live view screen. Ability to delete objects from canvas, lock objects, and also merge circles/squares with a textbox that contains the party size or table number. Changed cosmetic things like delete button color. Presented with the team on Friday and spoke about the upcoming features.

1/31/2019 - Met with team a couple days ago and discussed roles and our plan going forward. I will be working on the store manager page and all that it entails.

2/3/2019 - Worked with team to help implement behavioral and unit testing.

2/10/2019 - Started working on Store Manager part of app. Looked into different ways of styling the page and which other features of the app should be accessible through this page.

2/17/2019 - Added forms and styling to add-store, add-server, add-host html files. Working on adding functionality to the buttons and saving the information placed in the forms.

2/24/2019 - Created defaultFloorplan variable and implemented it on front end and back end. Worked with team on linking defaultFloorplan to store and linking servers to stores. Changed the color of the table numbers to white but someone had already done that somewhere else in the code. Added properties to circle tables such as serverId, capacity, timeseated, etc.

3/3/2019 - Worked with team to get the beta ready by Thursday. Fixed edit store component so it only shows floorplans the user created instead off all floorplans in the database. Added clear table button to side-table expansion pannel that sets the number of guests seated back to 0 and calls the dashUpdateTable function.

3/10/2019 - Nothing

3/17/2019 - Working on implementing functionality to add reservations directly to tables. Looking into angular's drag and drop features.

3/24/2019 - Added stores to reservations. Did this by adding a mat-select drop down on the create reservations page. This drop down fetches all of the stores made by that user and then adds it to the form and sets the selected store and the selected store Id. Also laid some ground work for implementing reservations into tables.

3/31/2019 - Fixed the problem with selecting stores in the create store and edit store page. Worked more on trying to get a drop down list of reservations in the seat table modal. This is the biggest step in adding reservations to tables.

4/7/2019 - Added reservation drop down list to the seat table modal and made it so that only the reservations that belong to the selected store showed up. After this I successfully implemented adding reservations to tables, so when a reservation is selected, the guests seated and notes fields automatically populate with the correct information.I did bug fixes for the seat table modal. Now the user must enter a number greater than 0 in the guests seated field and a server must be selected or it will throw an error. I created a drop down in the reservations page to sort reservations by store.

4/14/2019 - Made it so the the selected store automatically appears in the form when creating a reservation. Also made it so that when a store is deleted, all of its associated floorplans and servers are removed too.

4/21/2019 - Changed the handling of reservations so when one is created, its set to "New". Then when one is seated, status is changed to "Seated". The status is now clearly displayed in the reservation list. Then when a table with a reservation attached is cleared, that reservation is deleted. The reservations on the side of the dashboard only show those with a status of "New". I also made changes to the manager page so that the selected floorplan populates in the field when adding/editing a floorplan and adding a server.

4/28/2019 - Sorted reservations by time on the reservations page, side resos, and the reservations drop down in the seat table component. Worked with Brett on the video and voiced it. Met with team to work on and practice the presentation.

5/5/2019 - Final Entry. Added selenium testing. Worked with team on presentation and presented final project. Did the demo with Brett.