Brett Taylor log - SCCapstone/Seating-App GitHub Wiki

SEPTEMBER 2ND Watched tutorials on CSS and Angular. Communicated with team members to establish meeting times. Tabbed some other tutorials to watch at a later date.

SEPTEMBER 9TH This week I met with the team and we discussed the outlook of the project as well as going over everything on the milestones 1 and 2 pages. Beyond that I did not do any work for the project this week.

SEPTEMBER 16TH Went over the notes from the "online" meeting with Dr. Vidal. Watched the design and github teamwork video playlists. Read the personas posted by my teammates. Bookmarked some meteor tutorials.

SEPTEMBER 23RD Designed the reservations slide for milestone 5 and collaborated with the team on future, more detailed designs. We planned to move our group's meeting day closer this week so we can have a solid understanding of the plan and each other's ideas before our meeting with Dr. Vidal.

SEPTEMBER 30TH Worked on the detail design which was due on Sunday, the 30th. I worked mostly on the Reservation screen of the design. Met with the team and communicated over the internet to ensure the design turned out the way we desired. Did a bit of research on the frameworks of the app. I will need to further familiarize myself with the frameworks throughout the next week.

OCTOBER 7TH Downloaded angular and started the tutorial. Prepared to create and finish the requirements of the application for milestone 7. Continued to communicate with the team.

OCTOBER 14TH Completed MEAN stack tutorial that Dr. Vidal said would suffice for the individual Milestone 3, found here: Read over Requirements.

OCTOBER 21ST - written on 23rd due to GitHub error on the 21st Prepared for individual milestone 9, Source Control. Watched the github and git lecture videos. Prepared for Tuesday's meeting with Vidal.

OCTOBER 28TH Completed the milestone 9: Source Control. Met with the team and Dr. Vidal about the next coming weeks. Ready to start coding for our application

NOVEMBER 4TH Discussed with team how we should assign tasks to individuals. Prepared for meeting with Dr. Vidal

NOVEMBER 11TH Met with teammates on Monday (the 5th) to discuss future roles and tasks for the coming deadline. Did not have a meeting with Dr. Vidal because of Election day. Did not code.

NOVEMBER 18TH Continued communication with my teammates. Discussed the code that needed to be developed and in what order. I added branch 'test' to fix the merge commit that I was assigned.

NOVEMBER 25TH Ate turkey and more with my family. Kept up with the team's groupchat and preparing to code.

DECEMBER 2ND Still haven't made any major contributions to the code. Have done some research on error handling, including the video posted by Dr. Vidal. Plan on taking off work next week to code some error handling and help with the canvas in any way I can. Already started working on the presentation slides, however. Continuing to communicate with the team and we fully intend on having the POC done by Friday, the 7th!

----------------------------------------------492------------------------------------------------------------ JANUARY 27TH Began researching Angular testing from the angular website. Agreed to meet up with team during the week to ensure the completion of Milestone 12.

FEBRUARY 3RD Pulled newest version of code and ensured a unit test (with Karma and Jasmine) would pass on our app component. Pushed to my own branch and master. Preparing to write more tests and the beta release.

FEBRUARY 10TH Writing this on the 13th as I forgot to write the log on Sunday. Pulled newest version of master and met with teammates about the rest of the milestones.

FEBRUARY 17TH Met with team after classes in the Capstone lab to discuss current work and milestones for the beta. Also went over demo for meeting on Wednesday. Non related, suffered a minor motorcycle crash on Saturday the 16th; some bruising and a broken clutch lever.

FEBRUARY 24TH It's been crunch time for the beta release. Coordinating with team daily. Worked on implementing a functional button in the floorplan builder that would eliminate the use of two buttons for adding tables and have one that takes shape, name, and capacity as input during table creation. The feature isn't complete but will be come beta release.

MARCH 3RD I started the development of a seating form for input at tables and cleared a component error in accounts. Made it so that whenever a user loads a store in the dashboard, the expansion panel for store would close and set the table expansion panel to open. Communicated a lot this week with the team. The Beta release milestone is due tonight but Eddie was travelling this weekend so we deployed the Beta on Friday. Looking forward, I need to write more code that adds functionality to the app as well as write new tests for the new code.

MARCH 10th Forgot to write a log this week as I was traveling for Spring Break

MARCH 17th Writing on the morning of the 18th. Fixed a bug that the TA had found and put in the issues. Closed the issue after pushing the fix. Assigned myself to another issue regarding the implementation of multiple floorplans per store.

MARCH 24th Still working on the issues I'm assigned to. Communicated with the team about deadlines and we're closing in. Regarding the multiple floorplans per store issue, I think I will take Dalton's 2nd suggestion in his comment on the issue and give every floorplan a store ID value (and get rid of the floorplan ID value for stores).

MARCH 31ST Continued working on multiple floorplan issue. Pushed code that pulls an array of the stores so that floorplans can be assigned a store ID. Communicated with team and met with Dr. Vidal who said we were making good progress.

APRIL 7TH Prepared for RC1 and communicated with team about the issues that needed to be completed for this milestone. I started the week with a framework for letting a store have multiple floorplans assigned to its store ID. Then I edited the default floorplan selector to show its correctly assigned store ID in a dropdown. I removed the floorplan selector from the dashboard after meeting with teammates and determining it would be best in the manager page. I pushed some code to make the floorplan creator and editor modal to fit on the user's screen. Added the text to the help page for the release. Deleted an unused button. Will continue to work with team as we finish out the semester.

APRIL 14TH -written on April 27th because I completely forgot in the craziness that has been the rest of my classes and work- During this week, I pushed a couple of commits. One that deleted the store id from the reservation list, thus closing issue #98. And another that made it easier for the user to understand the use of the radial button for default floorplans and I added a cancel button to both the edit and add floorplan modals. This closed issues #96 and #97. I also communicated with my team like every week.

APRIL 21ST This week I worked on issue #90 which showed that the drop down box for servers when seating tables would not autofill with the server that was previously working the table. What I committed made it so the servers dropdown does autofill. But it would remove the autofill upon refresh. Dalton knew how to fix the refresh problem and he let me know he would finish it. Communicated with team about the issues we assigned the other team for the QA milestone. Assigned issues from the team that was assigned to us for the QA milestone.

APRIL 28TH Fixed the reservation drop down in seat table and created the video for the video milestone. I wrote the script, performed the demo seen, and edited and pushed the video to the code. Davis helped the entire time and we used his voice for the video. Fixed the floorplan dropdown on the edit store, closing issue #102. Added a second unit test that will require fixing. Will handle it tomorrow before everything is due.

MAY 2ND Gave the final presentation and submitted peer reviews, the course evaluation, and a few project presentation reviews. Excited to be finished!