Cart route: POST
"Barcodes": ["11111111", "1111111111111"],
"barcodeType": ["ean8", "ean13"],
"quantities": [1, 2],
"session": "abc",
"businessID": "1"
"tax": "1.09"
- Takes barcodes and quantities as input and returns total and subtotal
Customer Info Route: POST
"email":"[email protected]",
"Message": "success"
Event Route: POST
"Session": "15386831681",
"Message": "success"
"Message": "failure"
Ping Route: GET
- Url: /ping
- Input ""
- Output "pong"
Product route: POST
"description":"good ole chips",
"Message": "success"
"Message": "failure"
Product query route: POST
"barcode": "1111111111111" ,
"barcodeType": "ean13",
"description":"good ole chips",
Product Search: POST
"query": "jeff"
"match": [
"barcodeType": "ean13"
"name": "jeff’s chip",
"description":"good ole chips",
… (<= 20 matching products returned)
Business Login: POST
"username": "employee1",
"password": "mystrongpassword"
"message": "success",
"token": "ads2ghaFK9TDasADFbjk"
Business Get Cart List for Verification: POST
- Url: /businessCarts
- Input:
"token": "ads2ghaFK9TDasADFbjk"
Business Cart Verification: POST
"token": "ads2ghaFK9TDasADFbjk"
"cartNumbers": [35, 34, 33, 32],
"cartTime": [1602699192112, 1602699192111, 1602699192109, 1602699192105]