User Stories - SCCapstone/CapstoneProject GitHub Wiki
As Johnathan, I want a calendar where I can see all the chores I need to do this week. As Rachel, I want a means of seeing who is or isn't completing their chores within their given timeline so that roommates can be accountable. As Leah, I want a place that my roommates and I can build shopping lists and/or share recipes so that we can plan our meals that week. As Olivia, I want a place where I can find all of my roommate's contact and social media information. As Sam, I want reminders so that I can pay cable, water, gas, and rent bills on time. As Johan, I want a calendar showing my roommates' plans so that I know who will be home and when. As Samuel, a developer for the app, I want to be aware of what tasks need to be completed so that I can efficiently address the problems observed with the app. As Dakota, I want to be able to quickly find and contact potential roommates so that I can create a stable living situation as soon as possible. As Isaiah, I want to be able to find someone willing to sublet or relet my current lease so that I can move out when I need to without the apartment complex holding me responsible for the remainder of the lease.