Roscoe Burk Moody Log - SCCapstone/CapstoneProject GitHub Wiki

Sep 12, 2021

Today we had our weekly Sunday meeting to touch base on the tasks of this last week and the upcoming tasks we now have. We confirmed that we have squared away the necessary personas and user stories so that we can approach the development of our app with an effective perspective.

Sep 14, 2021

Today we met up to discuss our goals and most important features we are planning to include in our application. We decided to use the service JustInMind in order to create our prototypes and practice creating the calendar and other features that we are including.

Sep 21, 2021

After spending a week designing prototypes for each page of our app, we converged to begin discussing our color schemes and fonts. We eventually decided on a general universal scheme for the GUI and began working on designing further prototypes with various alternative graphics programs.

Sep 26, 2021

We went over the designs that we individually made for each page in our app and discussed which elements were worth keeping and integrating into all pages in general. We also discussed other design editor programs we could use that might be more suited to our project.

Oct 5, 2021

In this meeting, we went over the requirements milestone. We individually came up with the most important requirements for each of the specific pages we were tasked with designing and cross-references our thoughts. We also hashed out a general idea of what each person would be doing for the research milestone, so that we would not be repeating each other's work

Oct 10, 2021

We just very briefly went over future assignments and what each of our research milestones covered. We have pretty much confirmed by this point that we will primarily be using PHP to construct our project.

Oct 12, 2021

We mostly spent this meeting discussing our choice of framework, eventually settling on Laravel. We continued to answer and discuss the functionality of our app, based on the provided prompts pertaining to mobile applications.

Oct 19, 2021

During this meeting, we checked different ways we could work collaboratively through Github and different manners and cloning and pushing repos. We tried to use VSCodeTogether but ultimately decided it was an unnecessary complication. We all just ascertained that we could properly access the repo through VSCode and coordinated our merge conflict tests.

Oct 24, 2021

After determining that we had fulfilled the requirements for the week, we discussed how to split up the work for the ELS milestone. We determined who would be writing each paragraph and I will be working on establishing the functionality of our Runners.

Nov 2, 2021

This week, we focused on designing the layouts and navigational elements for the various pages of our application. We began composing our html and css files, before converting them with blade.php extensions and creating the routes so that they will be compatible with the Laravel framework.

Nov 7, 2021

This meeting was extremely short and functioned more as a general check-in for the group than anything else. We simply reestablished where we were all at and determined that we would discuss the goals for this week the following Tuesday.

Nov 9, 2021

We continued to discuss the visualization of our project over the course of this meeting, while also debugging certain styling issues that concerned the navigation header. We established that for this week, we are going to continue working on the visuals and styling of our webpages.

Nov 14, 2021

In this meeting, we simply briefly convened to double check what each member had been working on and to touch base. We the reestablished what the objectives for the week would be and adjourned the meeting.

Nov 16, 2021

We established in this meeting that it is time to begin focusing on databases. We reiterated what everyone will be studying in the coming week and made a particular emphasis on creating database-altering webforms and learning how MYSQL interacts with Google user data.

Nov 21, 2021

With Thanksgiving break quickly approaching, we met to discuss what our meeting times will be for the coming week. We decided to have everyone post their availability over break into the GroupMe chat and discussions for our future meeting times are currently ongoing.

Nov 30, 2021

Having begun working on implementing MySQL databasing into the project, we turned our focus towards working on making sure the project is deployed for the PoC milestone. We spent the meeting researching domain names and deployment methods.

Dec 5, 2021

We met briefly to discuss deployment issues that we are facing in our project and deliberated over how we can find solutions to the issue of deploying a database. We resolved to do further research and reconvene in order to redeploy over web application through Digital Ocean

Jan 20, 2022

We reconvened to begin discussing the plan for the coming set of deadlines for the Spring semester. We talked about looking for help in redeploying the app and possibly taking advice from someone who has a lot more experience in this field. We also agreed to begin researching unit testing with Laravel and tossed around some ideas of where to begin our research.

Jan 23, 2022

At this meeting, we discussed further where we could research unit testing and what exactly it is we should test in order to fulfill the first testing milestone. We also discussed the possibility of using Trello to better organize our task setting and objectives over the course of the coming semester.

Jan 30, 2022

We spent this entire meeting discussing our options in the wake of the attack that has been launched on our app. We poured everything we know and talked about people we could possibly reach out to in order to better understand the cybersecurity obstacles that we are facing. We also briefly confirmed that our unit and behavioral tests are functioning and committed to the repository with the correct tags.

Feb 3, 2022

We met and spent this meeting making everyone could remotely log into the server using our SSH keys. We also discussed and planned out roles and objectives for the coming week leading up to the beta release milestone.

Feb 6, 2022

We met very briefly today to just reiterate what each of us is working on. We discussed the research we are conducting on generating views unique to the user and we just reminded each other what the focus of the next few weeks should be.

Feb 10, 2022

This meeting was rather lengthy and we mostly spent the time working on our own projects. Lauren and I spent the bulk of the time trying to connect our database with the Google authenticator and Colin worked on polishing some of the screen-size attributes in our CSS layouts.

Feb 20, 2022 For this meeting, we briefly met and touched base. We have now successfully managed to deploy our MySQL database and we are now working on establishing user views so that users can log in and view their own unique data.

Feb 24, 2022 We spent this week continuing on our previously assigned tasks and decided to use an Auth method in order to return unique user info on our webpage

Feb 27, 2022 We used the time before this meeting to completely implement the Auth schema in each page of our webapp and complete out unique user view functionality.

Mar 3, 2022 We decided at this meeting that organizing meetings over Spring break would be too logistically difficult. We determined what tasks we would each be working on and went our separate ways.



Mar 13, 2022 At this meeting, we doublechecked the upcoming milestone dates and went over the server issues we were currently experiencing.

Mar 17, 2022 At this meeting, we determined the individual goals everyone had to complete by the following Sunday and discussed some issues with our imported Google calendar and the dropdown menu

Mar 20, 2022 We briefly touched base and determined how close we were to fulfilling each goal. We agreed to set our future series of goals at the next meeting.

Mar 24, 2022 We spent this meeting tackling a new set of server issues that came about from a recent migration and we once again went over the goals we needed to have completed by the upcoming milestone.

Mar 27, 2022 This meeting was just a brief checkup in which we searched for bugs and made sure that we were completing our tasks.

Mar 31, 2022 I was not able to attend this meeting due to family issues.

Apr 3, 2022 We mostly just spent this meeting searching for bugs after accomplishing the last of our final tasks.

Apr 7, 2022 After receiving a bunch of issue notifications, we found that a number of the pages were broken due to outdated migrations and spent this meeting rectifying the problem.

Apr 10, 2022 We found that one of the settings fields was crashing the page upon a redirect and spent this meeting searching the routes for the root of the problem.

Apr 14, 2022 We spent this meeting going through all the new issues posed in the peer review milestone and planning which changes to make first.

Apr 17, 2022 We briefly met to discuss how we would divide the work for the demo website. We also began brainstorming how to structure our final demo video.

Apr 21, 2022 We met for a few hours to begin working on our demo website. We spent the meeting creating the basic structure, and agreed how we would divide the styling work before we adjourned.

Apr 24, 2022 We met for a few hours to write the script for our demo video. We then went through and recorded each part of our final demo as a group.