Requirements - SCCapstone/CapstoneProject GitHub Wiki


  1. Deploy webapp to Github.

Login Page

  1. User can log in with their email and password

Sign up Page

  1. User can sign up for an account using their email and creating a password

Home Page

  1. User can navigate to Calendar page
  2. User can navigate to Grocery page
  3. User can navigate to Discussions page
  4. User can navigate to settings page
  5. User can see top events per roommate
  6. User can see House alerts

Calendar Page

  1. User can add class, work, clubs, and appointments to their calendar.
  2. User can toggle the week view to see things from previous weeks or for future weeks.
  3. User can add alerts for the week as reminders.
  4. User can add notes for the day under the calendar.
  5. User can view the calendar for other roommates. Calendar Page

Shopping Page

  1. User can enter items into the shopping list.
  2. User can select urgency for each item, either from a list of presets (high, medium, low) or by entering a date.
  3. Random resident will be selected from those not already assigned to an item, or user can select a specific person.
  4. User can view either a table of items to be obtained or items already obtained.
  5. User can check items off of the list after they have been obtained. Table will be updated automatically based on selected view. Calendar Page

Discussion Page

  1. User can post anonymous messages to all members of the household
  2. User can send private direct messages to any roommate of choice
  3. User can tag any specific roommate in any general messages to the household
  4. User can block messages from specific roommates or silence notifications from the chat interface as a whole
  5. User can easily tell which messages concern which roommates based on a color-coding system

Contact Page

  1. User can view other roommates' contact information as well as office contact information Contacts Page

Settings Page

  1. User can enter the email addresses of each other resident so as to explicitly define who may access the household's page.
  2. User can select a profile picture (.png) for themselves that will be visible to the other residents on the Contact page.
  3. User can enter their name, phone number, and social media information that will be visible to the other residents on the Contact page.
  4. User can enter emergency contact information that will be visible to the other residents on the Contact page.
  5. User can enter housing-related information e.g. leasing office contact info that will be visible on the Contact page.