Legal Issues - SCCapstone/CapstoneProject GitHub Wiki

Is your software violating any licensing agreements? List all third-party software you plan to use and ensure that you have the right to use as you plan.

  • We intended to publish to but there is a party that owns and This could become a legal issue so we have decided to publish to a different domain name.
  • We are not violating licensing agreements but we are using the following services:
  • We will be using VSCode as our IDE.
  • GitHub is our internet hosting service for version control and source code management.
  • We are using Forge/Amazon Web Services to host our database.

Are there any intellectual property constraints placed by your client? or by the owner of some dataset you need to use? List them.

  • We are not working for a client and are not using a closed-source dataset.

Can your users use your app to break the law? post copyright works on your webapp? steal information? etc.

  • There is a chat feature between roommates which is unmoderated.
  • There is no option to upload files, but users can copy copyrighted data and paste.
  • User's information could be compromised by users with malicious intent